Friday, February 04, 2011


Do you think you'll get flowers for Valentine's Day? I mean, it's only 10 days away, the 'Day of Romance' that comes but once a year. I have never gotten flowers or candy or for that matter, anything that I can remember for Valentines. Most of my life I've been single though I have been in relationships on Valentines day. I guess I've just never had romantic men in my life. Maybe that's why I am and have usually been single. Actually, a man friend of mine did give me a bouquet of flowers last week. That was a real big surprise. I've known him for nearly 10 years now and this is the first time. No, he's not suddenly decided he wants 'something more' with me, he likes just being good friends and so do I. Maybe one day I will find 'Mr. Right' and if not that's good too. I am not sure if I want to be tied down or not, after all, I'm only 55 so maybe not quite old enough for a committed relationship. ;o) Ahhhh, but I do love the critters I share my life with.

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