Friday, October 29, 2010

My Day - October 28

I had a good day today. When the alarm went off and it was still dark in here I did not want to wake up and get up. Hey, I hadn't slept all that well during the night and wanted more sleep. I got up and turned on my bedroom light, then hit the snooze button & back to my mattress for a little while, snuggling under my comforters. Then I got up and had a shower, dressed & off I went to my TOPS meeting where I was weighed and found I dropped 1 pound. After the meeting most of us went for lunch together. Next some of us went to the Bargain Bin, our favorite 2nd hand store. I picked up a really nice jacket & a vest & blouse as well as a few bits towards Christmas gifts. As always, we then went for desert, this time to McDonald's where I had an ice cream cone. When I left there, I drove to nearby city of Vernon to pick up some D-Ribose which has helped a lot of people with Fibromyalgia, and some bulk mixed nuts. I ran into a gal there that I've known for years & stood there chatting for some time, then drove home where I took some D-Ribose and some other 'natural' pills that I take for anti-inflammatory purposes. I kicked back and played some Solitaire on my computer, then off to town again to join a group that meets every Thursday to 'wand' each other for health. I find that after a wanding I have less pain. Tonight I had them work mostly on my left wrist/hand (the broken one) and my right shoulder which has been hurting a lot for some time now. When I got home, with my wonderful cat Mewsic curled up beside me, I watched TV, Gray's Anatomy then Private Practice, and played some more Solitaire. Now, some blogging and it's time to get ready for bed. Maybe I'll sleep better tonight.

Sweet dreams!

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