Saturday, July 24, 2010


My trike started out as a Yamaha 650 Maxim 2 wheeled motorcycle. One thing I didn't think about before I triked it was the fact that it is a 'vintage' motorcycle and if left in it's original state I could have insured it as so, getting my insurance for way less than I can get it with a newer or a 'modified' bike. This is kind of a drag, and yet, I can't feel bad about it as I really do love riding my trike. Maybe I'd love it as a 2 wheeler too, I don't know, never rode a 2 wheeler, but I do know I love it as a 3 wheeler. One of the extra benefits of it is I can carry more in it, haha. I can go do my grocery shopping and carry it all home, even more if need be. I carry a folding lawn chair in the box that was meant for Reba as well as all sorts of other stuff and there's still room for more. Kinda like a large trunk in a car. I do my best to keep the bike all clean and shined up, polishing the chrome and stainless steel so it reflects sunlight. Maximum sunlight reflected off my Maxim... hmmm... Maxim lighting.

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