Sunday, March 25, 2007

Manic Monday

Every Friday, Morgen at It's A Blog Eats Blog World posts a word for everyone (who chooses to join in with the Manic Monday meme) to post about on the following Monday. This week, the word is spring, so can use any of these words: spring, sprang, springy, sprung.

What first springs to mind for me is a poem I remember from an English textbook I had in high school. I think it was grade 9. I remember I loved it and Dad was disgusted by it and not happy that a school would teach anything that was not proper words.

Spring has sprung,
Der grass has riz
I wonder where
Dem boidies iz.

Der little boids
Iz on der wing.
Ain't that absoid?
Der little wings iz on der boid.

Unfortunately, I don't remember who the author was, or for that matter if the author was even named in the book, or listed as Unknown. But I do remember the poem, all these years later.

For this next poem I do know the name of the author. I wrote this over the last few minutes just for this post.

Embracing Spring
(by Alice Price)

With a spring in my step
I walk down the road,
I feel so happy,
My heart could explode!

Winter is gone,
The snow melted away,
The sun shining bright,
Man, what can I say?

Spring is upon us,
Plants starting to grow.
Crocus' are blooming,
And "Daffs", don't you know.

I look in the fields
And to my delight,
All kinds of babies
Were born "over night".

Daytime grows longer,
While nighttime, it shrinks.
Box up all your black clothes.
Wear bright blues and pinks!

We have four seasons,
Yes, I love each one,
Yet Spring is my favorite,
And I think it most fun.


Now what you do, if you have a Manic Monday post on your blog, you click on Mr. Linkie and leave a link to your blog so myself and others can come have a look. If you do or don't have Manic Monday post, please still click on "Fabulous Feedbacks" and leave me a message.


Anonymous said...

Happy Spring Alice:
After being there last year, the end of April, I can only imagine how everything is once more returning to life!
To experience it, first hand, from tiny Snow-drops to Crocus along with budding is a thrill only spring, herself, offers.
The many shades of new greens, coming to life across the valley! Brillent color as far as the eye could see. It all is as much alive in my memory to day as it was then.
One day, I will return to take part in the many changes all around.......

Anonymous said...

nice little poem you wrote there, imma...

maybe by posting the first poem somebody can tell you who it's by or if it is author unknown..

Anonymous said...

Lovely Poetry...

Gattina said...

I like the first poeme, it is so funny and "spring" ! My father also was somebody who couldn't laugh about such things. Sad for them !
Happy spring to you to ! spring in the spring !

Crazy Working Mom said...

Happy Spring! :)
Great MM post.
Thanks for dropping by.

Durward Discussion said...

Good morning Imma,

This theme seems to have put a spring in everyone's step. Nice poem.

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring! Sweet, lighthearted thoughts in the second poem.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

lovely poem honey. thanks....

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

Great job. I had a tough time with this one. I suppose that is the idea (think). It will be fun to see if I can do the comedy stuff with these. Happy MM!

Barb said...

The first one was cute and I can see why you liked so much! The second one that you wrote is great! (Do you really think I can box up my winter clothes now???)

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Oh Alice, that made ME happy reading your sweet poem.

One day of sunshine sure does boost my spirits :)

You know, when I started writing my MM, I started off with the first line of that poem - Spring has Sprung - not even remembering it was part of a poem my Dad used to recite - thanks for the reminder. I'm going to ask him right now if he remembers it!!!

Have a great Monday :)

Unknown said...

Well done, Imma! I can feel the spring right now, although it´s 2 am in my part of the world (and cold outside)! =)

Travis Cody said...


I swear Professor...I did NOT copy from Miss Alice!

I have no idea of the origin of the "Spring has sprung" bit. I remember hearing it on a Rocky and Bulwinkle cartoon - and it always stuck with me.

Your poem is wonderful.

Lisa Ryan said...

nice writing! and happy spring!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Barbara - Thank you dear friend for stopping in and leaving me a message. I look forward to when you can return to our area for another visit, or maybe a long term stay. The chances of me ever making it to Louisiana are slim, but I will not say never. Miracles do happen, so maybe one day I will get to come see you're "neck of the woods".

Foam - I'm glad you like my poem. Not one of my greatest, but hey I've written worse too, haha. It would be nice if someone knew the author of the first poem and shared that with us, wouldn't it. Guess we'll see.

Freelance - thank you, glad you liked it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Gattina - yes, it is sad isn't it that our fathers generation felt they needed to be so serious. Though I must admit that Dad really did have a great sense of humor when he allowed it to show.

Crazy - thank you for stopping by too. Glad you liked my post.

Jamie - The end of winter, beginning of spring, usually does seem to brighten peoples moods and put a spring in their step, don't you think? Glad you like the poem. Have a lovely day.

Lizza - thank you for coming by to visit and leave that nice comment. Happy Spring.

Bee - thanks for taking time out from your cruise to stop by. I'm glad you like the poem. :o)

Comedy + - ya, thinking can be a real challenge at times can't it... haha. Thanks for coming by. I love your hair do, haha

Skittles - thank you, thank you, thank you :o) Yes, I think you can pack up your winter clothes and put them away, bring out the spring clothes! Though I guess it does depend on the weather where you live, lol.

Heather - thank you so much for such a nice comment. I am so happy that my poem had such a positive effect on you, making you happy just by the reading of it. That really makes me feel good to know that.
After all these long months of gray dullness I too am "changed" by a bit of sunshine. The forecast here was for sun all next week, but I see it's now mostly for clouds. That silly forecast changes every time you blink your eyes... sigh.
I'd love to hear if your dad remembers that poem, and if maybe he knows the author. Let me know.

Sanni - Thank you. What a wonderful thing to say!! I'm so happy that my poem is helping you to feel spring, even on a cold dark night.

Travis - I got a good laugh when I went to your Manic Monday and saw you'd put that same poem, or at least the first part of it. I never knew Rocky & Bullwinkle "did" that poem... lol.
Thank you very much for the feedback on the poem I wrote. I'm glad you like it. You are such a great writer that your praise is a real honor.

Lisa - Thank you for your wonderful compliment. It is greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all of you for visiting my blog and leaving such wonderful, supportive comments.