Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Writing Prompt:

Write on the following:
We grow neither better or worse as we grow older, but more like ourselves.

In my younger years, I thought I knew who I was, in fact, I thought I knew everything there was to know. As I grew up, grew older, I realized that I hadn’t known much at all back then. It took growing older to get to know who I am and what I want in life. I must admit that even now, at 51 years of age, I still do not know it all, there is still much to learn about things in life as well as about myself, and yet I know I am on that learning pathway. I love and accept myself more and more each day, having come such a long way on this path, yet still not to the end of my journey. I become a wiser and better person each step I take, more worthy each day. In my younger years I was perfect. Perfect for the girl/young woman I was and how old I was at that time. Now I am perfect. Perfect for the woman I am and what I know at this time in my life. Some day, when I am older yet I will be as perfect as I have been each step of the way, each moment in time, perfect because I am an expression of God, perfect because I am learning the perfect lessons for me. Though I am no better or worse as I’ve grown older, I am more like myself because I know more now about who myself is, and who myself is meant to be.



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