Thursday, August 09, 2012

Kootenay Trip - Day 2

Kootenay Trip - Day 1

I woke about 7:30am and started the second day of my trip. Someone had gone through the campgrounds during the night and had stolen people's coolers and such. They had been in my trike and stolen things from me too, though thankfully all my stuff was found here and there, the only things still gone were Kettle Corn I bought at the Jazz Festival the night before and some fruit I'd taken with me from home. After cooking breakfast at the site, I rode my trike to the far side of town and was able to find a parking spot not too far from the Festival site, walking less than 1/2 a mile.  I signed in to do my volunteer work and went to the Beer Gardens to again sell drink tickets. Another volunteer came along and insisted that I had been moved to another job, that her friend was working with her because she has her period and can't stand up.  I told her that I had been assigned this job because I too can not stand due to back problems and was indeed working here. She said I best talk to Patrick who was in charge of the Beer Gardens. In retrospect, I should have told her I was not leaving my post, but I did go seek out Patrick who knew nothing about it except that  now 5 of his 6 volunteers wanted/needed to have sitting jobs. I pointed out that when I contacted them to volunteer, I had specified I need to sit due to back problems. I ended up spending my entire shift sitting in the Volunteer Tent doing nothing but getting bored and frustrated.

After my shift I just hung around the festival listening to music, talking to people and killing time until my next shift about 2 1/2 hours later. Having talked to Helene, volunteer coordinator, I knew I would be working in the Beer Gardens pouring wine which was a sitting job. I felt much better knowing I would be doing something this time. Pouring the wine turned out to also be a very fun job.

At the end of this shift, I stayed in the Beer Gardens watching Glen the Balloon Guy making all sorts of things out of balloons. I had been watching him as I worked and now moved to his table and got involved in the fun. He had made someone a princess, a fellow a motorcycle with the Pink Panther riding it, a lady a sheep and another lady a bouquet of flowers with a heart and swan.  I challenged him to make something he'd never made before... a trike!!! It took him awhile to create this new piece of balloon art, yet he did do it. I had such a good time walking around the festival with that trike, people looking, taking photos, asking about it.  After a while, I walked back to my trike, tied the balloon trike on and rode back to the campground before 10pm as the manager of the campground had stated that I was not to ride in/out after 10pm.

I sat near the showers, on a bench where there was light and read my book.  Again it was about 11:30pm when I crawled in and went to sleep. I knew my friends would be at the pub and that they expected me to join them, yet I decided not to.  At one time I was in the bars dancing about 5 or 6 nights every week.  I loved it, then I got tired of it and now have no interest in going to bars/pubs.

I usually wake off and on during the night, yet this night as last night, I slept in my tiny tent without waking even once and without hearing any of the noises I was later told about, including guys fighting and police coming to break them up.

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