Thursday, August 11, 2011

Major Storm

We had a really incredible storm here last night. Wind! Thunder! Lightening! Heavy Rain! I got home from town when black clouds were along one horizon and very shortly after that the storm hit!! I had tarped the trike and used rocks to hold the tarp down, but the wind ripped the tarp off of it, so I went out in the pouring rain and took the seat and saddle bags off, putting them in the carport where they'd be protected... that was after my power went out. Good thing I had 2 batteries on chargers for my big flashlight! I took the flashlight to bed and read my book until the one battery died, changed them by candle light and read (and texted some) until the second one was nearly dead, then shut it down and went to sleep. Power came back on sometime during the night. Good to have power on again... cel on charger, computer & internet back, etc. etc. Thankfully the weather demons got it out of their system and it is blue sky & sunshine again today.

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