Sunday, May 01, 2011

I need HELP

I was surfing the net, as I often do, reading various things and came across and advertisement for best creatine supplements. Since I did not have a clue what creatine was, I Googled it and found it an interesting read. Among other things, Wikipedia (gotta love Wiki) says "... and helps to supply energy to all cells in the body..." WOW, I wonder if this means that a lazy couch spud like me would get energized and start to clean my home and yard as well as going for walks or riding my exercise bike. That sure would be a big bonus, wouldn't it!! I know I have to get moving, that I have to find the energy to take back my life and my health!! This is really out of hand for a woman who used to be very active. At one time I was always out at the country night club dancing all night long!! I 2 stepped and line danced to a slim, trim, healthy body and now since I quit going to bars I quit dancing and slowly got to where I quit moving much at all. I am in trouble and need some kind of help to get me moving again.

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