Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving USA

to all my friends in the USA

Here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October.

Here in my home & my heart, Thanksgiving is Everyday!!

I am grateful for the many rolls the Centre for Spiritual Living plays in my life.
I am grateful Lorraine comes each Wednesday to help me with the Sunday Programs. Not only does this lighten my work load, but makes things more fun.
I am grateful for the Sunshine in my life... even when the sky is cloudy.
I am grateful my friend in Washington state called again today. Always nice to talk to him.
I am grateful I found my bank card today. I knew it had to be in my purse, just wasn't sure where.
I am grateful for the groceries I bought today for myself & 2 of my critters (Reba & Mewsic).
I am grateful for the feed I bought recently for my rabbit & chinchillas.
I am grateful I don't need to buy bird feed for awhile yet.
I am grateful Len decided to continue living on my property.
I am grateful for all money that comes into my life.
I am grateful Tuggy is building me a Trike!!
I am grateful for the new books I bought today: Power vs Force, Paying It Forward,
I am grateful Mewsic is on my bed with me as I type this (you can tell Reba is outside).
I am grateful Mom called this evening.
I am grateful my scale says I've shed a bit more weight (in the morning we'll see if the TOPS scale agrees... it's the official one)
I am grateful that, as I put down my laptop tonight, I will pick up a great new book and start reading it. (Hmmm, or will I pick up one of the ones I'm already reading? Decisions, decisions. Too many books, not enough time. Naaaa... no such thing as too many good books.)


quilly said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Alice.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm with you. Great to be grateful every day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you my friend and yet another great list. Have a wonderful day :)

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