Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"A Thousand Words In Idioms"

Jientje has started a wonderful photo challenge: "As long as people have been around, they have tried to communicate with each other. As a means of getting the message across as clearly as possible, idioms and sayings have found their way into our language.

Now, because a picture paints a thousand words, I thought it would be nice to make this a new photo challenge. The idea is to pick an idiom, or a saying, ( even slang is allowed) and illustrate it with a picture. Each week we’ll cover two letters of the alphabet, okay?"

If “language is the dress of thoughts” ( Johnson), then idioms must the wardrobe …

This week's letters are S & T:

S = Set one's teeth on edge

Meaning: Literally, to cause an unpleasant tingling of the teeth. More generally, the expression is used to describe any feeling of unpleasant distaste.

T = Take the bit between your teeth

Meaning: Take control of a situation.

Have a happy week.


Kathy said...

ROFL, Perfect set of gnashers I mean idioms, loved this. Kathy.

quilly said...

LOL! Now I know you'd do anything for a pic -- even pull the teeth out of your own mouth!

Great shots and I am certain they will be among the most unique!

Ways to make money said...

I didn't get the abstract meaning of the pictures.

Jientje said...

ROFL!! Very creative how you depicted those two idioms!
Thanks for playing, you're so resourceful!

Gattina said...

Are these yours ?? very nice work, lol ! The idioms too !

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Kathy - thanks. I love the 'shock' effects in life. LOL.

Quilly - yup, always an over achiever. :o) I love to be 'unique'.

Ways to make money - read the writing and I'm sure it will be quite easy to understand. Thanks for visiting.

Jientje - thank you (bow, curtsy). Thank you for hosting this fun challenge. It's a 'hoot'.

Gattina - yup, they're mine, LOL. Some people will do anything for a laugh... and I'm one of them. Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

OMG these are just too funny. Great idioms my friend. Well done :) I'm just cracking up here :)