Raven, at Views From Raven's Nest, has created this word puzzle, Wordzzle, for us to have a challenge and write to. The words to work with this week are:
Ten Word Challenge (Main Wordzzle Challenge): spring fever, coyote, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, birds of a feather, broken camera, artificial flavoring, cane, garage, ask and it is given, gay
Mega Challenge, for those who choose to accept this mission, is a combination of the Main & Mini Challenge words (15).
Okay, so I hadn't planned on continuing the story about Don, from Three Word Thursday, but the wonderful comments I received spurred me to do so, lol. And then I got the idea to tie it in with last week's Wordzzle stories too. So, if you haven't read those you might want to go do so... before you read on.
Don peaked through the peep hole in his door to see who was knocking. "What the...?" Two men stood there, waiting. Could it really be? Don pulled the door open and, sure enough, there stood Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. "Oh My GOD, it IS you!" Don exclaimed.
"Don. Hey, how the heck have you been?" asked Butch.
"Great, Butch. It's been way too long, cousin. Where have you been? And Sundance, you old coyote, what have you two been up to?"
What a surprise this was. Don hadn't seen his cousin Butch and good friend Sundance in years. No one had seemed to know where they were, or even if they were still alive... until now. With worry like that, it's no wonder Don suffered from premature baldness!
The three men, like birds of a feather, were soon lost in conversation, having a glorious time catching up on lost years and all they'd been through. As Don noticed his broken camera laying on his desk, he wished he could take pictures of his guests, just to show himself the next day that he had not been dreaming.
"Hey, I just remembered something!" exclaimed Don, suddenly bringing the conversation back to the present. "What the heck was that fracas in the hall as you guys arrived?"
"Oh, that," said Butch, shaking his head. "Three snot nosed little gargoyles were acting up in the hallway and knocked some poor lady over, spilling her groceries all over the place while they were at it."
"Oh ya, I think I know who you're talking about. Those three are trouble," Don said, sadly.
"Well, they might think twice about bothering people in the future," Sundance chuckled.
"Ya," laughed Butch, "Sundance gave them a short lesson on manners."
"They'll be sugar and spice from now on, for fear I'll come back here," Sundance acknowledged. "You know me. I just never could stand seeing punks acting like that, and it really got to me, seeing that pretty gal on the floor with a broken bag of parrot food all over the place."
"Parrot food? That must have been Maggie from down the hall. Man!! She's a really nice person. She has a nice parrot too, named Pretty Bird."
The men continued to talk awhile, mostly about Butch and how he is moving back to town and will be running for office. If things went well on the campaign trail, he'd soon be on the City Council. Sundance would be moving back too, though was not into politics. Don expressed his joy at having them coming back into his life, "I must confess that I prayed this day would happen, and now it has. Goes to show, ask and it is given."
"Amen to that," Sundance agreed, the men said their goodbyes and see-you-laters, and Don closed his door after watching the other two walk down the hall in a gay mood. Nothing would be the same again, and he was happy about that.
After cleaning up the cups and dishes from the coffee and snacks he'd shared with his company, Don decided to get back to his numismatics, retrieving his key from its hiding place and going back into his desk drawers to pull out his treasures for further inspection and dreaming of things to come.
"I think I'll go down to Spring Fever Coins tomorrow after I drop my car at the garage for that muffler repair," Don said to himself, "I'll see if Mr. Cane has anything good for me this week."
With that, he once again put his treasured coins, medals, and paper moneys back into their boxes and bags, shoving them into desk drawers. He locked the drawers and slipped his key back into its hiding place, then went into the kitchen. He poured the last of the Club Soda into a tall glass, added some artificial flavoring, making it more paletable in his opinion, then headed off to bed with a good book.
My Main Wordzzle Challenge (10):
"Oh, good morning Don!" Maggie said as she dodged out of his way, just in time to avoid a collision.
"Oh, Maggie! Excuse me," he applogised, quickly. "I think a coyote must have run off with my brain."
"Not to worry, we all have our off days."
"How are you doing today, Maggie? I hear you had a nasty spill last night. Someone ought to take a cane to those holigans," Don interjected.
"I'm just fine, thanks for asking. It was a bit of a shock, but it takes more than that to keep this gal down." Maggie replied, she was in a rather gay mood, dispite her tumble of the evening before.
"Good, then. I'm relieved to know you're well."
"Oh yes, quite well indeed," Maggie assured her neighbor, "and so looking forward to a day out and about. It's so warm and sunny and I must confess I've got a touch of spring fever these days."
"I think that is going around lately. Hopefully spring will soon be upon us. It has been a very long winter," Don commented. "By the way, how are things going with that friend of yours? The one that you were helping to buy a business."
"Oh, Pam you mean. Very well really. The deal didn't go through. I checked the book thouroughly and at first they looked very promising, then I discovered they had been, errr, well, 'doctored' for lack of a better term."
"Oh? Well that's not so good. It's a good thing you caught it though." By now, Don was thinking only of being so close to Maggie. He secretly found her quite captivating.
"It will all work out in the end. Pam is praying on it, and you know how that works. Ask and it is given."
They chatted a few moments longer, then said their 'good days' and went their separate ways. Maggie to meet with Pam, and Don to take his broken camera in for repairs, drop his car off at the garage for muffler work, and pick up another bottle of that delicious artificial flavoring.

"Well, I should have known," stated Pam in reply to something Maggie said about the purchase of the second had children's store falling through. "Maybe the gargoyles out front of the building could have been my first clue."
The friends laughed together, each feeling this was a glorious day. What better than tea and a sweet snack with a good friend. It sure beats living with premature baldness, or being on the campaign trail... not that either of them would be, of course.

WOw! and double Wow!
The story continues. The words are used seamlessly and you through in Quilly's words.
I am in heaven.
This blog is paradise.
I enjoyed the progressing stories. I liked the fact that you got in quilly's words. Good job.
Wow! I enjoyed this (and your thursday three-word) very much. You tied Thursday and last week together so smoothly too. Well done! I enjoyed your last (non-wordzzle) sentence too. Made me giggle.
Wonderful stories! I enjoyed it very much.
Wonderful stories! I enjoyed it very much.
This was wonderful! I love the way all the parts came together!
you are a word weaver!
and I loved your closing - that was fun :)
Nice job!
Butch and Sundance behaved very well in your story. It must be true that Canadiens are nicer than Americans.
Wow, you got everything in there and told a great continuing story.
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