Ten Word/Phrase Challenge: ubiquitous, do you see what I see, getting a word in edgewise, wild goose chase, grandmother of five, Freemasons, Pacific Paradise, everything and nothing, insanity prevails
Mini Challenge: shortening the distance, it’s all about bloggers, the Fortress at

"It's time for me to be finding Pam, I wonder if she's visiting the Fortress at
Pam, a grandmother of five, was perhaps a little old to be starting her own business, yet she was not the kind of woman to sit around and do nothing. She was still in great health, and young at heart, so when she had asked Maggie to help her find a business, Maggie was happy to jump in with both feet. In was a great opportunity to be of service.
"Oh, but insanity prevails," she now told Pretty Bird, "I think this may be a wild goose chase. The woman wants everything and nothing, all at the same time, and when I try to talk to her, I have a hard time , getting a word in edgewise."
The shrill ring of the phone broke into Maggie's conversation with her bird. "Guess I better get that," she said as she quickly crossed the room, shortening the distance between herself and the ringing phone. As she grabbed it from its cradle, Maggie started to say "Hello?" and with only half the word out, she heard Pam's voice...
"Turn on your TV, Channel 6! Do you see what I see?"
My Main Wordzzle Challenge (10):
"Do you see what I see?" Pam repeated, excitedly.
"Hold on Pam, I'll turn on the TV. What channel was that?"
"Channel 6! Maggie, you're going to be too late, you'll miss it!"
"Okay, Pam. I'm watching it now," soothed Maggie. "You're right, I missed it. Tell me what you saw."
"Just the perfect business for me!" gushed Pam. "It's a second hand store, all clothes and toys for small children. It's actually a consignment store. What could be more perfect for a grandmother of five? Not only will I take in consignments from people in the community, but also I can sell the clothes & toys my grand children have out grown. It's for kids, I can sell everything, and nothing but top quality."
"Oh and here we go... insanity prevails," Maggie thought to herself as she worker at getting a word in edgewise. "Pam! Slow down just a bit. Lets look at this in a sensible way. Maybe it is your dream come true... and maybe just a night mare. How much do they want for the business? What is the rent on the building? What is the profit per month? There are so many things to look into before we get too excited."
"Oh, you are such a kill joy, Maggie. It's just what I want. It's perfect for me!!" Pam insisted.
"Where is it located, Pam? Is it on Freemasons Drive? In Pacific Paradise?" Maggie quarried her friend, wondering if the Ubiquitous Creative Energy really was so quickly ending what she had thought to be a wild goose chase, and having her strong doubts.
As Maggie listened to her friend bubble on in her excitement, her attention was caught by a news story on TV, "... it’s all about bloggers!" the anchorman was saying. This reminded her of the message she had received in her meditation this morning, reminded her that she'd seen a raven’s nest, too, and she thought "This is obviously a sign! Ya, a sign, but is it a sign that it's the right business for her friend, or a sign that it's one to stay away from. Ravens aren't exactly known as good luck charms."
Maggie was dedicated to finding Pam a good business to purchase. "Pam, dear friend, okay, lets contact the seller and go check this out. I warn you, though, that I will be checking out the books really closely, and if I have any questions about this business I will not let you buy it. I want to see you in a good business where you will be happy and make good money too, not just throw your money away. Okay!"
"OKAY!!" shouted Pam. "Err, I mean, okay. Yes, I agree, you can look at the books and I won't do anything crazy. I'll wait for your advice and I will listen to it."

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: spring fever, coyote, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, birds of a feather, broken camera, artificial flavoring, cane, garage, ask and it is given, gay
Mini Challenge: glorious, sugar and spice, premature baldness, gargoyles, campaign trail

I love the way all three stories had the same theme and carried on! Great stuff! :)
Wow! I take my hat off to you. A great seamless story with all three challenges and all those difficult phrases. Everything fits together in such a marvelous manner.
This is the very best I've read today and I thought the others were good.
If there was a wordzzle of the day award it would be yours hands down.
Well done! I enjoyed this.
Your critters along the side bar are so sweet! I don't think I noticed them last time I was here.
Thanks for your kind words at Raven's Nest. I didn't do well on anti-depressants, but I take Sam-e and that seems to help most of the time. Not sure what's going on right now. Spring fever, maybe.
Oh, how I wish I had a friend like you before I bought my flower shop. I would love to have a consignment shop with kids clothes and toys.
What a wonderful story and You are so very talented in your writint. I loved the flow of all the challenges. Just perfect.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Blessings, Pam
I love this!! I really like Pam - all her energy and enthusiasm
Liked the way the stories flowed and I definitely sensed a theme.
Good story. I hope Pam has a successful adventure.
I was here last night. I read your story and, I thought I posted the very first comment. Did blogger eat it and I didn't realize? Oh bother!
I was the very first one to tell you how much I loved that your theme flowed to smoothly though every challenge, and made one continuous, charming story! In fact, I was feeling kind of jealous and wishing I had the time to do something similar.
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