Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Snapshot

This is my first time playing Weekend Snapshot. I think Friday afternoon qualifies as 'weekend' so am sharing 2 of the 64 photos I took at the Dog Park on Friday afternoon while walking with Reba (my dog), Wendy (friend) and Steel (Wendy's dog).

Wendy in foreground. Reba & Steel ran ahead to say 'hi' to the 2 dogs with the other lady... and in the far distance you can see a bunch of people and dogs. You may need to click on the photo for a larger view to see all this.

In the far corner I pointed out, there was a football game going on. Some dogs had brought along a man to throw a football for them to chase, and many other dogs had fun joining in on the game. Steel & Max were the two top contenders, they are the ones playing tug-o-war over the football in this photo. Reba is the Rottweiler reffing the game, and I'm not sure the names of the other 2 looking on.

Weekend Snapshots is posted at 3am GMT on Mondays, that is 7pm PST Sundays. Now, to remember to post that early on Sunday evenings... sigh.

See more participants at Weekend Snapshots.

Wishing you a wonderful day!!


Kero said...

Welcome to WS! Great first post you have here. Yur dogs are beautiful! Come visit my WS entry here

Anonymous said...

looks like the dogs are having fun playing on the snow. good for you to able to go out, as for us.. grrr.. freezing cold, we were stuck in the house whole day! =)

Anonymous said...

You won the contest over at my place! Come see what the other folks were guessing and look at your badge in my sidebar!

Anonymous said...

looks like the dogs are having fun playing on the snow. good for you to able to go out, as for us.. grrr.. freezing cold, we were stuck in the house whole day!