Sunday, January 18, 2009

Congratulations, Mr. Obama

After I posted this, and some other things (above), I remembered Manic Monday.... checked it out and found the word for today is "OFFICE". Since Barack Obama is being sworn into office on Tuesday, I thought this would be a good Manic Monday post.

I am working on writing a speech. I would rather have done it sooner, but it's just not been coming easily to me. It seems these things like to challenge me by presenting themselves at the last moment so I have little time to practice it before presenting it. At some subconscious level, I must enjoy causing myself stress. Sheeeesh. Anyway, the TV is on, and I've been listening to the news. There was just a story about Obama's upcoming inauguration, and some Canadians were interviewed, asked if they would be watching the inauguration on TV on Tuesday... and why.

I don't really follow our own politics much, and definitely not that of another country, though while watching TV I can't help but hear about it, and I have picked up some interest in the happenings.... so, I will watch it.

This is major history. It is the first African American President in the USA and that in itself is a pretty big thing. 200 years ago, the White House was built with black slave labor, and now a black family will live in it, a black man will run the country. I think from what I've heard of Barack Obama, that he will be very good for the United States, and because what happens in the US directly effects us here in Canada, he will be good for us, too. I also think that having a black man in the presidency could very likely change the lives of many black people in the US, and maybe world wide. Many who think they are "less than" because they are black will now see that they have value regardless of the color of their skin. Yes, maybe their ancestors were slaves, but that does not make them any less worthy or less able than the next person. Now I think many black people will be able to finally stand up and hold their heads high. Obama takes this office over, takes the country over, when it is in very bad economical decline as well as stuck in a war that is only contributing to the country's problems (I don't believe in wars so don't believe any war is a good thing). It will be a really big job for him and his government to bring things back from where they are. It would be a big job for any incoming President to take over a country in this decline.

From what I've heard, security for the inauguration will be a lot more than it has ever been for any president in history. I've also heard that there are already people threatening to assassinate Obama because of his skin color. I think this is very sad. Obviously, many white people are threatened by this, wanting to keep the blacks 'down', some even still upset that they are not allowed to own slaves in the US anymore. I'm glad I don't know these kind of people. I would choose to have no one like that in my life. To me, that kind of attitude says "I don't think I'm good enough, so I have to oppress others in order to find my self worth." They are afraid... very afraid.

I see things in a different light. I see it that we are all God's creations, created in different colors, with different clutures, for the glory of God... and so we can teach each other things God wants us to know for our personal & spiritual growth. I see it that when one person prospers, the world prospers. When one person rises up, the world and all its different people rise up.

Yes, I think that Barack Obama is a good thing for the USA, for Canada, for the World. A black President is good for the black people... and for the white people. This is an important time in history, and in the evolution of man kind. Long live Barack Obama.


anthonynorth said...

He brings hope - I hope he continues to carry it with him.

maryt/theteach said...

Alice, a wonderful post! Yes we can ALL be grateful and happy this man will take over The U.S. Presidency! Hope springs anew just like Anthony says above! :)

Durward Discussion said...

I took the scenic route and as cold as it is, the puppies made it look like fun where you are. That was a beautiful post about Obama, and with you, I hope it means a true change in the world where we are all brothers and sisters acting for the good of all.