Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Weather Special

Just thought it would be 'fun' to show you the weather forecasts for here, and how quickly they change. So much for "science" and "technology" in weather forecasting. If you click on the pics you'll get larger views and be able to see the time/date and how as much as just 3 hours later the whole story is changed.

Here, at 8pm, it was forcasting 90% chance of snow for tomorrow...

And here, just 1 hour later, the forecast for tomorrow is totally changed. Makes me wonder what the day really will be like by the time it gets here.

Long term forcast... as of 3pm

Long term forcast... as of midnight. Not a lot of change here, except for Wednesday. I sure do hope they have a big change in it before next Sunday/Monday. Those are some major cold temperatures they're predicting here.

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