Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 25th

Day 25

So, would it surprise you if I said I had a busy day? Haha. I bet not, at least, not if you visit here very often.

Today I phoned all the people on the Toastmaster schedule for tonight, reminding them of the rolls they would fill at the meeting this evening. I also created a schedule to print out, take along and photo copy it before the meeting. My printer is really frustrating me. It prints well enough, but the paper feed doesn't work right, so it keeps just crumpling the paper rather than feeding it into and through the printer. Keep trying and eventually you usually succeed, but it takes a lot of sheets of paper to get one printed, and a lot of time. I think I better get myself a new printer one time fairly soon. I also had to print out a couple other sheets to take along.

I had been too busy to actually 'plant' Kashi, my late rat, so had kept him cold until I finally managed to get him into the Pet Cemetery this morning. Call it a wake, lol. He is there with some very good company. 1st there was Smoothedge, a wonderful cat, hit on the highway I live beside. 2nd was Smoothedge's true love, and mine. D-O-G was a much loved dog who I got at age 7 weeks, we were rarely apart in our time together. She, at age 11 1/2, was hit on the highway too. Two months later, I got Bronx, an 18 month old Rottweiler who was just a great dog. He broke the chain he was tied with while I was at work and ended up on the highway too. Next, Shadow. He was Smoothedge's son, born April 28, 1991, in this house while I sat with my beloved cat and kept her company. He died of kidney failure March 6, 2008, just short of his 17th birthday. Now, Kashi. I don't know much about this little rat other than he was previously owned by a woman & her 2 daughters, they advertised for a new home for him over the internet. I got him & his cage free. I don't know how old he was or what could have made him die so suddenly.

I drove to Mom's and spent some time with her. We ordered 2 for 1 lasagnia and I went to pick it up. It was good, and we've had a lot better. Left overs are in my fridge, haha. For desert we had bread pudding with vanilla ice cream. Mmmmmm.

From there, off to Toastmasters for the evening. I was both the Chair, for the first half of the meeting, and the Toastmaster for the second half. It was a wonderful meeting, and I paid my membership dues.

After I got home I sat here with my computer and did up the programs for Sunday at the Okanagan Centre for Spiritual Living. I will be printing them out and assembling them tomorrow afternoon. I also included a sheet of information on prizes we're offering for the Membership Drive from now until the end of February when we have our AGM.

I feel like I did something else that I'm forgetting about. It could be that Dan came over on his way into town. I gave him some money and had him pick up a 2 pack of 4 gig SD memory cards, on sale for $2o. Unfortunately, it turns out that they won't work in my digital camera or my Palm PDA. These both take SD cards, but these 4 gigs are the 'new' SD... SD-CH or something like that, I forget and I'm not going running for them to see just now, haha. I was going to use these and give my 256 meg SD memory cards to Mom for her camera. They would be plenty big enough for what Mom will do, one would be plenty for her. So now I will return the 4 gigs and get a 2 gig card for the camera and give one 256 meg to Mom.

Oh ya, I downloaded Adobe for my PDA so I can now read e-books on it. Ya, if you like reading very small letters. They're big enough I can read them, but just. Then of course I put some e-books onto my PDA just to see how it all works. I look forward to having time to read them, haha.

Have you ever done any online trading? I never have though I wonder how many do.

Now, I'm going to feed some critters and head to bed, right after I finish blogging here and go do some on Reba's Run.

Oh ya, there's only 1 month until Christmas.... haha.


Anonymous said...

Bread pudding....Mmmmmm!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Alice.

Anonymous said...

I was going to ask if you had carefully looked in your paper port to see if there was something hung up in there -- and then you said it works sometimes. There are some good, cheap printers out there. Get a new one, is my only suggestion.