Monday, August 18, 2008

Reflections - Day 2 - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Our new challenge is hosted by Quilly. Today through next Saturday, the challenge is to post photos of Reflections!
The photo in this "poster" is one I took in the Kootenays in 2007.

I thought that today I would reflect back to the recent Dragon Hunt, and give one more dragon to Melli. This is the Dragon Boat that Poseidon's Fury practices in each Tuesday evening and Saturday morning. Other teams also practice in this same boat.

There are a few different types of Dragon Boats, this one is called a 6-16.
Here it is tied up in the trench. When we use it, it's pulled back to the floating dock you see here, and we load into it, then paddle out into the lake.

Here is a closer look at the Dragon... and at its reflection in the water.

Have a happy week


Anonymous said...

Outstanding snaps

Anonymous said...

You are so good with that Photo fix stuff I had no idea that wasn't a real poster!

I am so glad you shared the boat. I know we've seen it full of people but I wanted to see it by itself. Why is it called a dragon boat and how is it different from a canoe?

Anonymous said...

Didn't know about these boats, very interesting. And great reflections!!

Anonymous said...

From time to time I look gladly here past, in order to read the well written contributions as suggestions. Here I would like to leave a greeting from Thuringia in Germany!

Anonymous said...

I love your take on day two of reflections with the nod to the dragon hunt.

Melli said...

Ahhhhh! NOW we get to see the boat! LOL! And it's reflection! Well done!

Ingrid said...

A very nice reflection and on a bus stop, lol ! I participate too.

juliana said...

great shots and nice reflection!

Carletta said...

Reflections poster - clever.
Nice pics of the boat - looks like pretty country.