Our current photo challenge is hosted by Quilly. Sunday through Saturday, the challenge is to post photos of Reflections!

I thought you might like a triple play, haha. Reflections in two mirrors and one puddle on this rainy day seemed to fit the purpose quite well. Okay, it could be more wordless, like I usually manage fairly well, but hey, I've kept them to a minimum for me.
Reflecting back on life, I never had a pimple problem, but knew some people with bad acne. They searched far & wide to find what was the best acne treatment for them.
I caught the two mirror thing but nearly missed or over looked the puddle, very clever!
Triple reflection, that is a wonderful shot :)
I'm really lovin' that first one. Did you put the mirror there or was it part of the shelter already? Either way it reminds me of those Roadrunner cartoons where he paints the tunnel on the side of the cliff and then runs through it.
Too bad I didn't know about this one earlier. I had a couple of Thematic Photographic shots from last week that would've been perfect. (the last two of this series)
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy WW
Some of my favorite photos are "reflections." I especially like your "triple play." Interesting the things we notice with cameras in our hands. Before my became permanently attached to my body, I would have never noticed those mirrors...now, I'm always looking for interesting shots like this one.
Thanks for visiting my place today.
What a great reflection picture.
Wow! You scored big with thais shot! Perfection. AND look at all the directions one can look in just one little photo? The lake below is lovely, but this one gets my vote as best of the best.
wow, a triple reflection in one shot - it doesn't get much better than that! excellent!
Like minds they say!
I love this!
I posted a very similar post today.
Two reflections for the price of one.. THats value! Great shot
Sigh … I keep meaning to join in this ‘reflections’ thing and forget. Your ‘triple play’ is very cleverly done. There ARE reflections in my new header at Small Reflections today ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
A triple reflection!! way to do it!
Beautiful shot too :)
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