Thursday, May 01, 2008

Friday's Feast


What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?

Bugs Bunny. He's wayyy too funny. I still love Bugs and some of his buddies.


Pretend you are about to get a new pet. Which animal would you pick, and what would you name it?

I don't need to pretend. I've just gotten a new cockatiel named Taz. He's 2 years old and very handsome, lol. Also, I expect a parrot very soon. I'm not sure what day it will arrive here, it's on it's way from Alberta (long flight, haha). I'll have a choice between DW and Rocky. I'll tell you more as soon as I know more.


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?

5... well, maybe 6 on a good day.

Main Course

What kind of music do you listen to while you drive?

COUNTRY!! Well, unless I want to practice singing then I listen to a rehearsal tape my pianist has made for me with whatever song(s) we are currently working on... this is always a positive, uplifting selection of music.


When was the last time you bought a clock? And in which room did you put it?

Gosh.... I'm not sure when it was.... many years ago I bought a alarm clock radio for my bedroom. The one I have in there now was given to me, it belonged to a friend who passed away a few years ago now. I have a clock in my living room that was made many years ago by the fellow I was at that time sharing my life. Other clocks in my life are on my VCRs, stove, microwave, computer. OH, I know!!! A month or two ago I bought a new watch to wear on my wrist!! Okay, so that's not a room, deal with it. Haha.

Happy Friday's Feast to everyone!!

Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave me your Fabulous Feedbacks.
Your words brighten my day!!


Marsha said...

Hey Alice! Nice feast. I am not a bird person at all but some of them are just so darned beautiful! All that color... WOW! I'll just enjoy looking at pictures of them and stick to dogs and cats!

Have a great weekend and please join my feast if you can.

Just Some Thoughts

Anonymous said...

Great feast. I may get a bird one day, right now I just don't have the time to enjoy a pet.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend.

Travis Cody said...

I'm a Bugs Bunny guy too. It's funny, but cartoons were my first introduction to opera. LOL!