Thursday, May 01, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are Coke & ice!

2. Life often amazes me.

3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is always happy when she's the center of attention.

4. Put in some top soil, peat moss and a couple other little things, mix it all together and voila! You have soil ready to plant in!

5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow carrots, tomatoes, spinach, rainbow chard, cucumbers, squash, corn, and maybe a few other things too. Come to think of it, I do have a yard... and I am working at building raised bed gardens so that I can do just that.

6. Most of life is best au naturel.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include laundry, dishes, other house work, maybe some yard work and Sunday, I want to go fur a walk with my dog after church!

Have a fantastic weekend!!

For more information on this, or for more players, and if you want to play too, go check out Friday Fill-Ins!


Melli said...

LOL! Are ALL of your pets named after cartoon characters? Taz? Rocky? DW? I'm thinkin' ya need a bunny - for Bugs! ;)

You may come over to MY house and mix up that concoction to grow stuff in! I haaaaaaaaaate to garden. But I LOVE to see stuff grow! If I were a millionaire I'd PAY someone to do that for me!!!

Have a great weekend!

Juli said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Sleeping for #7 sounds good too!

cre8tivkj said...

I have wanted to come to your blog on several occasions to check out your Friday Fill Ins but my computer locks up when I get here. I made it this time. The main reason I wanted to come here was I am a cre8tive one too (my blog names are very similiar to yours) that said, I like your #5! I have a garden too but it's too cold and right now raining so wont be getting in there anytime soon. Have a great weekend!

Jack said...

Glad I could help Alice! I've been scanning through your spot looking for the picture but didn't find it. Perhaps you haven't got around to doing it just yet.

Love reading your FFI's. Have a great weekend :)