Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Nice Thing Today

Hannah called this afternoon... to tell me how much I was missed at church today. That was nice of her, I think. I have a strong voice that people can hear, where her voice is very soft and doesn't carry like mine. I've always been told I'm "too loud" and now being loud has turned out to be a good thing, hahaha. Also, at Toastmasters it is a good thing as it carries right to the back of the room when I give a speech, so everyone can hear me.

Hannah also said that Lorraine was telling her how much she'd enjoyed the Games Night last night, and Hannah told me how much she appreciates me doing this. Dale puts so much of himself into the Centre, almost lives there, and Saturday is the only day he can hope to have any time off. He's there day and night for the most part on other days. There are a few of us that do put a lot in, then the rest don't... but I know there will be others appearing soon that will give more time and energy to the growth of the Centre, and I am grateful for that.

Guess I'm holding another Games Night next month, lol. I've already said that so long as one person shows up, I will continue to hold them, but if no one shows up I'm not going to keep doing it. Who knows how things will go over summer, maybe we'll postpone them until fall, but that remains to be seen at this point. I might even ask someone else to host it one time if I have other things to do. That would work too.

How would you like to vacation this summer on the Outer Banks of North Carolina? It sure sounds and looks good to me!

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