Saturday, March 29, 2008

I WILL Get It All Done On Time!!

I've been working - okay, not working, lets be honest here. I've been thinking for over a month about a speech I am scheduled to give this Monday evening at Toastmasters. It's for an Inspirational Speech Contest, and I've not been feeling very inspired lately, so how can I write an inspirational speech? With Shadow (my beloved cat) suddenly dying, then getting ripped off my my 'friend' who I'd 'saved from being homeless' for the past 4 months, as well as a busy schedule, I haven't been able to wrap my head around writing this speech. I'm sure the other contestants have theirs written long ago, and have been practicing it to be ready for the contest, but not me.

On top of that, I am singing a solo at church tomorrow so am to be practicing for that... not. I've done nothing with it other than the short practice every Tuesday afternoon, so am totally not ready to do it tomorrow morning. Tonight I have to practice singing it!! I have a cassette tape with the piano part on it so I can practice the singing.

I also have to do up the Sunday Program tonight so I can go to church early and print it, cut it to size, and stuff all the pages into the cover folder before others get there. The first to arrive will be Rev. Dale and his wife Hannah, the pianist. We will have a short warm up/practice of my solo song and our 3 congregational songs for which I am the Song Leader. I also do a short reading, during the service, from the "Book Of The Month", then after the service (this is the last Sunday of March) a draw will be made from the tickets purchased over March, and someone will win this book. I have yet to read to find the parts I will read tomorrow morning, so have to do that tonight too.

After the service tomorrow is the Annual General Meeting, so that will take up a good part of the afternoon. Time I could really use right now, haha.

I was working on the speech today and getting pretty much nowhere, then Wendy called to see if I was into going to the dog park so we could walk our dogs together and visit. I knew I couldn't afford the time, but it was such a beautiful day out... so I went. After the walk, we went back to her house and ended up visiting until well after 8PM before I headed home. Sheeeeesh! But I really enjoyed it. On the way home things started to 'jell' in my brain and I think I've pretty much gotten my speech done. I've written a bunch of short notes and have an idea now how I want it to go... so now I just have to practice it and see how it goes. It's to be a 5-7 minute talk with a beginning, a body, and an end. I've got those and the title sketched out, so that's a really good start. It's called "What DO You Want?" and is about the Law Of Attraction.

Wish me luck. I'm off to do all these things. The TV is OFF tonight. Now that is unusual.

EDIT: It's now 1:10am. I've done some singing so should do okay with that tomorrow. I ran through my speech once with the timer and it's a bit short and needs a lot of practice, but it's in the right direction. I've done the program on my laptop, saved to my flash drive, so it just needs a couple finishing touches that I can't do tonight, then be printed, cut and assembled. I remembered that I also have a bunch of Science Of Mind homework to do before class on Tuesday evening, and Tuesday afternoon is song rehearsal. I'll likely go to a coffee shop and drink tea while working on the homework between rehearsal and class, I've done that before, but I hope to get some done before that as there's too much to do in just a couple hours.

So now I'm off to feed and water animals. Then to bed with the book for Book Of The Month (5 Gifts for an Abundant Life by Diane Harmony), to read about the 5th gift so I can pick out some good stuff to read to the congregation in the morning. I hope to be asleep by 2am so I can be up again by 8am and off to a full and busy day. I know it will be a great day, and I wish the same for you.

EDIT #2: (12:22am Monday March 31) I finally made it to bed last night. Turned out my light at 2:57am. 8am came awfully early in the morning, haha.

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1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

So apparently a nice walk in the park and an evening with a friend was just what you needed to get your self motivated!