Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Weather Report

These are the temperatures for December 3, according to the weathernetwork.com

MAX TEMP : 3.3°C

MIN TEMP : -4.8°C

MEAN TEMP : -0.8°C


www.weatheroffice.gc.ca agrees with the max. & min. temps.

Overcast all day, but warmer and melting some of that snow away. EXTREME ICE on roads in evening. I hit black ice patches on the way to Toastmasters. By the time I was out of Toastmasters, the black ice was all there was. Saw truck in ditch on my way home, and a spot where someone else had been in but were by this time out again. In 4 wheel drive and driving very carefully, I made it home safely.


Anonymous said...

U hate cold. specially bellow 0. that is why the lowest temperature is 10C here.

Anonymous said...

It is really hard to maintain life below o.personally i hate cold.