Saturday, September 08, 2007

Uprading my Blog

I've been working at a bit more upgrading on this site, and Vin over at Beta Blogger for Dummies has been a big help to me. He told me how to put the PayPerPost button into the template to it comes up with every post, so you can click on it and get paid to review my post. Gotta love that.

I also asked Vin how to put my Labels into an expandable box like the blog rolls in my sidebar. He gave me some instructions, but I don't quite understand them, so have left him a message and I know he will get back to me so I can do it. I just need a code to put into the "thingy" that makes the boxes over at Flooble.

I totally appreciate all the help Vin give me and everyone with his blog and free email updates.

< a href="">

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