Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Law of Attraction

I am currently reading the most amazing book. Oh, it's not about anything "new", it's about a Universal Law that has been active since the very beginning of time. I have heard about it many times before and from many places. Yet reading this book is very powerful, and I know in my heart that my life is making some more big changes because of it. I get to choose the way I want things to be in my life! Many of the things I read in this book I find myself thinking "I remember reading this before", or "Rev. Lloyd used to say this all the time", or "Now I better understand what Rev. Dale meant when he said _________", or other such thoughts. I even find myself knowing that I've been creating things just like it says in this awesome book.

This book is one I highly recommend for everyone to read!! If you've ever wondered how to achieve something you wanted, how to be happy, how to have more money, why "bad" things happen to "good" people, or any other of life's big questions. If the fact that it is channeled is a problem for you, put that out of your mind and read it anyway because these same things have been said my ministers and even some places in the Bible.

I do not have any connections with the book other than I won it in a monthly book draw at church and know that I attracted it into my life to answer so many of the questions I've been asking God over the years. I make no money from telling you about it, I just get the pleasure and satisfaction (good feelings) of sharing something wonderful with other people.

The Abraham book, The Law of Attraction , Esther and Jerry Hicks

This Abraham-Hicks book presents the powerful basics from the original dialog between Abraham and Jerry Hicks. From these Teachings of Abraham, Abraham (speaking through Esther Hicks) first revealed how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by this most powerful Law of the Universe: the Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself is drawn). You've most likely heard the sayings "Like attracts like," or "It is done unto you as you believe" (a belief is only a thought you keep thinking); and although the Law of Attraction has been alluded to by some of the greatest teachers in history, it has never before been explained in as clear and practical terms as it is here.

You'll learn about the omnipresent Laws that govern this Universe and how to make them work to your advantage. The knowledge that you'll absorb from reading Abraham's wisdom will take all the guesswork out of daily living. You'll finally understand just about everything that's happening in your own life, as well as the lives of those you're interacting with; and you will find out how you can joyously be, do, or have anything that you desire!

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