Saturday, September 08, 2007

Frustration & Agrivation

Sometimes I find myself feeling very frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to do more than "basic blogging". There are lots of things one can do to promote their blogs and most of it is stuff I know nothing about.

"Do you have your blog registered with search engines?" HUH? Where? How?
"Add a Google Gadget" HUH? Reading this stuff just makes me feel sick. The instructions are usually written for someone other than "Not The Computer Geek". Even the instructions at Beta Bloggers For Dummies usually confuse and frustrate me because I don't understand them. In most areas of life I'm actually fairly intelligent, but here I feel like a dummy and I don't like it. So many questions come to my mind on a regular basis. Questions like:
What is 'ping'?
What the heck is 'RSS feed'?

Those and a million other questions..... grrrrr.

Got company... gotta run.


Travis Cody said...

I'm sorry you're struggling with those things.

Barb said...

Not to confuse you more.. But your page rank is a 3. That's only one behind mine, so you ARE doing something right. :)

Anonymous said...

It is all VERY confusing. I'm right there with ya. But, you're a great read and that's all that matters!! :0)