Thursday, September 06, 2007

Friday's Feast - #10

Friday's Feast
Buffet for the Brain

Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?


What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?

Cooler temperatures yet still not cold and colors of the changing leaves.

Have you ever had any bad experiences online?

I at one time belonged to a rabbit group online, as well as raising and showing rabbits in real life. Two women that live near me were mad because they'd been breeding and showing rabbits for years and I come on and my rabbits in a short time were beating theirs. They were on the same rabbit groups online as I was and they started to tell lies about me and my rabbits and themselves too for that matter as they made themselves and their rabbits look good while making me and mine look bad. It erupted into a big fight online with most taking their side. I quit the groups as well as sold my rabbits and got totally out of raising and showing rabbits. I do things so long as I'm having fun with it... when the fun ends I'm out of there.

That is the only problem I've had online and that really was with local women, not with the internet.

Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.

My outlook on life.... the decisions I make.... my animals.

What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?

There is not one thing that I couldn't do without.

Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave me your Fabulous Feedbacks. Your words brighten my day.


Anonymous said...

I feel tired after shopping too and I love the cooler temps of fall. have a great Friday!!

Juzahlyn said...

sorry about your bad experience online...they must be really jealous of you to spread lies..anyways great feast

Mine's up too

Anonymous said...

I love that your happy things include aspects of yourself. Great feast.

Anonymous said...


maiylah said...

they were jealous! some people, really .... :(
hey, we have the same appetizer! ;P

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the bunny rabbit experience, but I'm with you. If it isn't fun, fuhgetaboutit. :-)

Eleisia said...

Sorry about the online rabbit experience. Didn't those other two women know that friendly competition is good for all of you.

Super feast!

Lady of Musotopia said...

Really sorry to hear about that online experience - sounds awful. Good to hear that you have moved on from it :)
Great main course (NB I included my two K9s as my family on my page) :D
Thanks for joining in my feast. Have a great weekend :D

Anonymous said...

Great posting! TGIF and have a great weekend!!!!!!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh ya!!!!! Tired. Me too, I always feel that when shopping also.

Great feast. {And your dessert is what I wanted to say....but made it into a commercial instead. LOL}

Anonymous said...

It's such a shame that some people have to behave like that. I'm sorry that you had to experience it. You have a great feast here this week :)

Anonymous said...

I chose the same word for my appetizer! :)

Bea said...

Answer to your Windex question: I use generic brands. :-)

Sorry about the bad experience online. There is nothing worse than jealousy. I know it too well.

Have a great weekend!

Sandee said...

The rabbit ladies sound awful. Don't you just love jealous people? Yeah, me too. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Your salad portion is quite a sad commentary on people behaving "small".

Lori said...

Great feast...loved your soup!! Happy FF.

Kara said...

That's sad people stoop to lying to make people look bad and build themselves up :(

Good feast :)

Natalie said...

That really was a bad online experience. I'm sorry! Some people are so stupid!

The Gal Herself said...

I agree with you completely about Autumn. And so sorry about your negative online experience. Sounds ugly!