Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Welcome to
Wordless Wednesday

Click on photo to see a larger version

As to Jams' suggestion, I've done some cropping... here's the result. Which do you like best?

Or perhaps like this with less sky?

Do you think this photo has a chance to win in competition? To see others I am considering for competition go to Decisions Decisions and cast your vote.

Check out the new Wordless Wednesday HQ!!


Anonymous said...

Very pretty. :)

I liked the waterfall on your other blog, but can't comment since I don't have a Blogger Id.

Jenny said...

This is just breathtaking...the colors are so wonderful! Nice job!

Sandee said...

I don't know anything about judging photographs, but I do know what I like. This is a beautiful photograph. Have a great WW. :)

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

That is a beautiful shot! Looks amazingly peaceful...

jams o donnell said...

It certainly is a very nice photo.

Personally I consider cropping slightly so there is a little less water in the foreground. That would give the shore and the mountain more impact.

The Rock Chick said...

Beautiful photo!! I think the thrid one, with less sky is more eye catching with the water and the sky equally seperating the picture!

Thanks for stopping by my WW!

Happy WW!
Jessica The Rock Chick

Susan Demeter said...

I tend to agree with Jams. Stunning photo though .. good job! :)

Shana said...

Fabulous picture. The colors are so vivid. Happy WW!!!

Unknown said...

ok, those are beautiful!

Shaz said...

They're all beautiful but if I had to choose I'd go for the middle one.

Thanks for the singing comment. happy WW x x

Anonymous said...

I like it with less sky, although both are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful! I love the scenery. Could be a winner...

Travis Cody said...

I know I like them. The cropped version looks alive - the water seems to be moving. I love how you can see the waves.

Mel said...

The picture is so peaceful. I like them all, but prefer the one with less sky because I am such a water and mountain kind of person I guess. Good luck on your contest.

jams o donnell said...

When I looked at the pick I wondered wheter it would also look better as a 6x4 but I realised the minimum size was 7x5. I know I'm biased but I hink either crop adds a bit more punch the pic. Good luck with the competition