Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday 13

Welcome to my blog and my 6th

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun!


I’ve been searching for my Birth Certificate! I have to have it in order to cross the Canada/USA border to go to the Omak Stampede & Suicide Race this weekend. So far I still don’t have the darn thing. The last time I can remember seeing it, it was in a wallet of mine. I can’t even find that wallet! At my Wednesday evening Prosperity Class, I told about this situation, and one of the gals who is very “intuitive” told me not to worry, I AM going to Omak, and that my Birth Certificate is in a drawer, in an envelope or maybe under an envelope or piece of paper, not in the wallet it was in. Some time ago I bought a second Birth Certificate that I have since lost. So one of those has to be here and show up. When I got home I searched a few drawers, but just couldn’t face doing more than that. Tomorrow I will start ‘fresh’ and hit the most likely drawers… the ones with the most old papers and such in them. So my Thursday 13 today is:

13 things in my home that have drawers:

1- computer desk (3 on each side = 6)

2- antique desk (3 down the middle)

3- antique filing cabinet (4)

4- antique dresser (4)

5- antique vanity in bathroom (4)

6- antique bedroom suite (4 in highboy + 4 in vanity)

7- 2 old yucky bedside tables (1 drawer in each)

8- Built in dresser in bedroom (4)

9- antique dresser in storage room (6 drawers + 4 doors)

10- kitchen cupboards (4)

11- antique treadle sewing machine (6)

12- metal filing cabinet (3)

13- VCR storage thing (4)

Wow, I actually had 13! I thought I might have to count in the drawers I’m wearing, haha. That’s a total of 58 drawers! Can you believe it? That’s disgusting. Okay, not all of them have envelopes or paper in them, but lots of them have a lot of envelopes and papers in them.

Happy Thursday 13! Thanks so much for visiting. Leave me your Fabulous Feedbacks, and come back often.


Anonymous said...

Counting all the drawers is a good start for a systematic search. Often when I lose something I start with all the faces where I just know it CAN'T possibly be. And I sing the song from "The Cat in the Hat" animated special as I go: "Calculatis Eliminatus."

Unknown said...

Funny idea for a TT, Alice.
Your drawers remind me of my huge handbag collection *LOL*

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Well, happy searching!

Travis Cody said...

Now that's pretty creative. Good luck finding that birth certificate!