Friday, August 10, 2007

Train Horn

This is a sponsored post
Some days I think it would be nice to have a big, loud horn on my little truck. I mean, with some of the drivers out on our roads now days it can be a good thing to get their attention, and a loud horn would do it. I remember, years ago when I was married, we had a nice truck that had electric air horns and I loved the sound of them. It sounded like an 18 wheeler when you honked at someone. A train horn would be even louder and command more attention; would help you tell people you are coming or that they are in danger, or even how you feel about them cutting you off in traffic. You can now get a train horn for any car, truck, boat or, well.... train.

The link(s) in this ad has been removed - March 7, 2009

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