Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday's Feast - #6

Friday`s Feast
A Buffet for the Brain

What is your favorite kind of pie?

I love pretty much every kind of pie my Mom makes. She`s a most awesome pie maker. Mostly fruit pies I think would be my favorites, though I do love anything chocolate. .

Name something that made you smile this week.

There are so many things to choose from here... wow. Jokes I was emailed, things my animals did, and some of the MSN conversations I had with a Russian Prince top the list.

What do you do to cool off when the weather is hot and humid?

When in my own home I leave all my clothes off. I freeze half full water bottles then when I take one out and fill it up I have real nice cold water for quite a while. A shower is awesome when I`m hot and sweaty. Also, I have a thing (don`t know what it would be called) that I get wet and tie around my neck. It stays wet and cool for a very long time and cools the blood as it moves through the neck. If it`s really hot at night I sleep with the ceiling fan on.

Main Course
You receive $1,000 in the mail with a letter that says you can only use the money to redecorate one room in your home. Which room do you pick, and what do you buy to spruce it up?

There are so many things I would do here if I had the money to do so, but most would take a lot more than $1,000. I want new kitchen cupboards, new living room furniture, flooring in every room except the bathroom (I did a mosaic tile job in there that`s totally cool and unique). It`s really a challenge to come up with something worth doing that $1,000 would cover. I think either drywall the living room walls (having a friend who would do the boarding for free I`d just have to pay the cost of the board and pay the Taper, so wouldn`t be too bad) or rip out this carpet and put in laminate flooring. I`m fairly sure I could do it within that budget.... or tile the kitchen floor, and down the hall to if it would fit in the budget.

Fill in the blank: My _________ says __________, but I __________.

My body has been telling me it wants to go lie down, but I have been ignoring it. I think it`s about time to give in though as I can`t stand to sit here any longer.

Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave me your Fabulous Feedbacks. Your words brighten my day.


Emmyrose said...

Just dining with you.. Happy FF! :)

you can view mine here..

Hootin Anni said...

Yes....I have the fan going 24/7 during the summer.

My feast is served, drop by and dine with me if you can find time!!

Annie said...

Great feast!
Have a great Friday.
My Life as Annie!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful feast. Go lie down now and get a good sleep:)

Lady of Musotopia said...

Wow - a chat with a Russian Prince! Sounds very interesting :)

I hope you also got that lie down and feel more rested!

Thanks for sharing your feast as well as joining in mine. I hope you have a great weekend :)

Kara said...

Great feast! Thanks for visiting mine :)

Alison said...

Great feast! Thanks for stopping by mine! Happy Friday!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I see that your list is probably longer than your $1,000 will stretch too! I'd sure like to give it a try, though!

Thanks for hopping by. :D

BeccA's Buzz said...

I'm glad you have so many things to smile about... we should all smile more often :)

Anonymous said...

My body is telling me to lie down as eyes are not wanting to stay open, those darned things! :)

Great Feast.

Barb said...

I absolutely LOVE very cold water. Nothing quenches the thirst quite like it.

Alice said...

Thanks for serving a delicious feast! I love your Soup. Have a great weekend!