Thursday, August 09, 2007


When I was a kid, one of the games I played was tag, as I'm sure most kids do. You chase each other around then when you touch the other person, joyously yell "Tag! You're IT!" As a blogger, "playing tag" or "being tagged" is different from the childhood game I remember, and yet is still a source of fun.

This evening, Travis from Trav's Thoughts, tagged me with the Middle Name Meme.

Here's the rules:

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players: you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

My middle name is: Gail (I'm lucky it's only 4 letters, makes life easy, lol)

G - I believe that God is all there is. Everyone and everything is a physical expression of the infinite energy we call God. The 7 aspects of God: peace, power, beauty, joy, life, love, light.
Life is Glorious when we allow it to be.

A - I totally love Animals, they are a very big part of my life. I don't think I would want to live without critters in my life.
I have the Ability to transform my life, one changed thought at a time.

I - Imma walking my Spiritual pathway, according to my beliefs and what I feel in my heart and soul to be Truth. Imma into self Improvement & personal growth. Imma single, outgoing, friendly, talk to strangers on the street, believe we are all created equal... even the homeless and downtrodden are expressions of God. Imma WOMAN!!

L - Laughter... I Love to Laugh and I Love Life (most days), haha

Okay.... so I probably didn't have to put so much per letter, but I did (and could go on, lol). If my middle name had an E in it, it would be for Excessive, haha.

Now for tagging 4 more people... I'd love to do it according to the letters in my middle name, but will settle for 4 people I think would enjoy playing along. I'd love to tag Kai from The Buzz Queen, but she is so busy with company and getting ready for her move that I'll let her off... this time. :o)

I choose to tag:
1- Sanni from Coffee 2 go
2- Tisha (who I affectionately call "Crazy") at Crazy Working Mom
3- Madcap of Mason Madcap
4- Gattina of Writer's Cramps

Tag! Your IT!!

I hope you will all play along. If for some reason you can't, please let me know so I can tag others instead. If you want to play and haven`t been tagge, just leave a message here that you are joining in the fun and go for it.


Madcap said...

Thanks! I'll try to get after it soon!

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! I'll get right on it girlfriend. :)

Travis Cody said...

Great job on the meme! Thanks for playing!