Monday, August 06, 2007

Manic Monday - Lies


has returned as it does every week at this time.
This week, the word chosen by Mo at It's a Blog Eat Blog World is

Having recently had a relationship of sorts with a person who is not well acquainted with truth and honesty, of course that meaning of the word came strongly to my mind. I've already written about that, so didn't want to write anything else along that line just now. So, lie down would be another way to go, and I would like to write a poem... all that would come to my mind was "Now I lie me down to sleep" which of course is: 1- not my words and 2- I'm not going to bed yet. Well, maybe I could write a short fiction story making it sound real, then at the end admit it was all a lie... hhhmmm. No! Too close to what liars do, only they don't admit in the end that they were lying. Soooooo.... surf the net for ideas.

What I came up with is this:

1- A humorous poem


by Lotis Fargo

People always lie to me,
They never tell the truth.
To find out what they're telling me,
I have to be a sleuth.
My friend said he was sorry,
But I know his name is Ben,
And if my mom is in a pickle,
What am I in, then?
My dad is using Moose for Men,
My sister's eating kicks.
My brother's going out tonight
To go and pick up chicks.
A frog is in my brother's throat,
Our cat is in the bag,
I'm driving mother up the wall,
This party is a drag.
My grandpa must discover
The fountain of his youth.
See? People always lie to me.
They never tell the truth.

Then I found a very interesting looking poetry book called:
Cowboy Poems and Outright Lies
by Hal "Nevada" Swift

And some humorous quotes for you, though still very true and some even profound. (This web site has loads of good ones):

~ No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar. ~ Abraham Lincoln

~ If a lie is repeated often enough all the dumb jackasses in the world not only get to believe it, they even swear by it. ~ Billy Boy Franklin

~ The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else. ~ George Bernard Shaw

I keep reading between the lies. ~ Goodman Ace

~ He entered the territory of lies without a passport for return. ~ Graham Greene

I really don't care for the Simpsons, and never thought I'd hear anything intelligent from any one of them... I must admit I was wrong...

~ Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen. ~ Homer Simpson

Now I must bid you a fond farewell. As I've progressed with this it truly has become near time for me to go lie my head down on my pillow and drift off to dream. Sunday has come to an end my friends, and in less than a second it really will be Manic Monday.

Please lie your fingers upon your keyboards and leave me your Fabulous Feedbacks to show the M&Ms that you really do exist.

Learn more about Manic Monday here.


Durward Discussion said...

Very well written with lots of twists and turns making it difficult to to talk straight. Cowboy poetry is so much fun.

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

My hooman mommy will love your Homer quote!


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

great take on LIE!! thanks...

smiles, bee

Unknown said...

HA! Love the humorous poem and the Homerism (of course)

Have a fine Monday, Alice!

Anonymous said...

Loved the poem! Great choice for today.

Sandee said...

Oh this is very clever. Excellent use of the word lie. I loved the poem too. Have a great MM. :)

Linda said...

Every great once in awhile Homer will get one right! Loved the poem and the quotes, too!

Travis Cody said...

I like this post and the poem. Well done.

Happy MM!