Monday, August 06, 2007

Reach Out With Outreach

This is a sponsored post
Every day we see on the news stories about homeless people, youth gangs, people addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, even people in prisons all over the world. I have personally known, over the years, people who were in prison or had been, some who were addicted to drugs and yes, alcoholics too. Recently I even made friends with a homeless person. Oh, this one isn't a drunk or druggie or anything like that, but he has been camping out and sleeping wherever he could find a place safe from the crack heads of our little city, and safe from police who would of course send him on his way or arrest him for vagrancy.

These are very sad stories, though many of us are able to say "Oh well, it doesn't affect me". How wrong they are. This affects every one of us. Each and every person on the face of this earth affect Spiritual Energy which affects every part of our world. Think about how much life has change over the last 30 years, or for that matter, the last 15 years. I used to think nothing of walking alone after dark, no matter where I was in the city and area where I live. Now there is no way I would be safe to do this.

BoatAngel Outreach Centers are Turning Donations into Salvations!

These USA based outreach centers are God based and are helping to change the lives of the nations youth and adults. Car Angel uses Car Donations as well as boat and house donations to fund boys homes for at-risk youth, reaching into the prisons and helping the homeless and addicted get their lives back on track. By helping these people they are helping the world to heal.

The link(s) in this ad has been removed - March 7, 2009

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