Monday, August 13, 2007

My Weekend in Omak - Part 1

Hi.... I'm back from my weekend trip. All in all, I had a great time. I'll tell you, day by day, what happened...

Friday… August 10:

Having stayed up all night, I phoned Mike around 6:30am to tell him “have a great trip, I won’t be going”. He said that Stacey hadn’t been able to get Friday off so he was going down to Omak in the motor home early so he could get a good camping spot, as we always do, then when Stacey got off work at 9pm she would be driving to Omak in her car, so to keep looking for my Birth Certificate and if I could be in Oliver by 9pm I could still come down with her. He gave me her cell number just in case I needed it, and we hung up. I finally went to bed at 7:30am as I was too tired to even start looking again. I slept about 4 hours when the phone rang and woke me up, a friend calling to say hi and see how I was doing.

I had given myself until 6pm to find my Birth Certificate, and if not found by then I’d not be going away for the weekend. It was 5:15pm when finally, after all that searching for days, I finally found it. It was, of course, in the last place I looked… it’s always in the last place we look because once we find what we’re looking for we quit looking. My computer desk has been piled rather high with papers and a bunch of other “stuff”, and early on in the search I’d riffled through the heap, figuring that if the wallet was there I’d find it, after all, it’s not all that small a wallet. Having been told by an intuitive person that it was no longer in the wallet, but was in a drawer in an envelope or under some paper, and that I would find it and would be going to Omak, I concentrated my search on my drawers (see last Thursday 13). Having searched every drawer it could possibly be in and several it couldn’t possibly be in, and filling 4 big bags with paper for recycle and a couple with garbage, I still hadn’t found it. So I started to go through everything on the desk top, piece by piece. I thought that if I had taken it out of the wallet, it might be laying almost anywhere, and the top of my computer desk was a fairly likely place to look. After sorting through a bunch of that, adding most to the recycle bag, there it was… the wallet was lying there almost at the bottom of the pile. I grabbed it up, opened it looking in and there was the Birth Certificate! I was totally “stoked”!

Having thought I wouldn’t be going, I hadn’t packed or done the chores needed before leaving for the weekend, and besides, I’d been busy searching the house, so I still had to pack clothes and such, feed and water all the animals, call my cat into the house… stuff like that. Then off to town to pick up a prescription renewal that I couldn’t go away without, put enough gas in the truck to make it to Oliver, and grab something to eat while I drove. I couldn’t get parking near Subway, so decided to grab a “hot and ready” pizza from Little Caesars’. Not great, but when you’re in a hurry you can’t be fussy.

It was 8:05pm when I pulled out of Vernon, headed south. I phoned Stacey on my cell but she wasn’t answering hers as she was at work, so I left her a message that I was on my way. At 9:10pm I called her again just in case, she answered and said she’d see me when I got there. It was 9:57pm when I arrived. I did not waste a moment of time, and there wasn’t a speed limit I didn’t break. I had eaten about 3 slices of the pizza as I drove and planned to take the rest with us to eat on the way, or when we arrived in Omak. It’s Saturday night as I write this and the pizza is still sitting on the roof of my truck in Oliver, unless someone or something took it. I put it there as I was getting my other stuff out of the truck, and of course forgot it up there. Sheesh. When in my truck I can look at the clock on the dash, but I don’t currently own a working watch, so I know we were out of Oliver by about 10:10pm, but don’t know what time it was when we arrived in Omak. The only restaurants open here at that hour are fast food and they had such long lineups that Mike refused to go there, so we ended up going to the all night Wal Mart and getting stuff from the grocery department, but the motor home is not set up for us to cook in it because we never do that, so we just had to get crackers and such. Stacey got some wine and we sat outside the motor home eating crackers, chips, and drinking wine… and of course laughing a LOT. Even after we finally went to bed Stacey and I kept laughing and talking until Mike got mad, lol. It’s an old motor home, but still in great shape, and with 3 beds so we all snuggled in and went to sleep eventually. Today Mike said it was about 2:30 or 3am when we went to sleep.


Travis Cody said...

I'm so glad you found it!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. :)