Friday, August 03, 2007

Explore Arizona Tours

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If you've been reading my blog for very long, you already know that I haven't done a lot of traveling, and that I have really enjoyed the traveling I've been fortunate enough to do. There are many places in North America and around the entire world that I have dreamed of visiting. Living in Western Canada, many people travel to Arizona each winter. Until his health failed, my cousin and his wife were among these "Snow Birds", spending winters living in their motor home somewhere in Arizona. This sounds to me like a wonderful way to escape the cold of winter each year. I've often wondered, though, what people do for entertainment and excitement in the desert country of Arizona. Now I know at least some things one could do there to add excitement to their lives.

Explore Arizona Tours has several different Colorado river rafting tours available. If white water rafting is your thing, there are lots of tours available for you. Myself, though, I would prefer a more gentle trip down the river, winding through the Gore Range and mountain ranch land, and visiting historical cabins. Of course, eating lunch on the banks of the Colorado River would be a major bonus for me.

If you don't care for river rafting, you might want to experience the jeep tours, bus tours, atv tours, or even the Grand Canyon helicopter tours that reveal sides of earths largest canyon never seen by other methods. I know all of these would be on my itinerary.

If Arizona is on your travel agenda, be sure to visit Explore Arizona Tours where you can book your tours online before you even arrive.

The link(s) in this ad has been removed - March 7, 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I planned my visit to USA in a couple of months. Can I add Arizona in my schedule?