Thursday, August 02, 2007

Friday's Feast - #5

Friday's Feast
A Buffet For Your Brain

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?

I'm likely about a 9 to 9.5, lol.

What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

I laugh out loud several times pretty much every day, so it's hard to think of what it was about the last time. It may have been a joke or story someone told, something one of my animals did, something I read on a blog, or a host of other things... I just can't be sure.

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

I don't think I actually have a favorite. I haven't watched cartoons in many years, but I did like Bugs Bunny & Marvin the Martian. Don't really remember any others.

Main Course
Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.

I don't remember any of my school teachers being particularly funny, but in more recent times, i take courses at my Spiritual Centre frequently, and most are taught by our minister. He has a great sense of humor and lots of good stories and jokes.

Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that ______________________.

I strongly believe that God is all there is. Each of us is an expression of God Energy in action. We all create our own lives and experiences by what we think about, say and do. (An infinite subject in a nutshell for you.)

Check out Fridays' Feast... see more participants for this week.

Please leave me your Fabulous Feedbacks. I love to read your words.


Gattina said...

My teachers weren't funny either ! I think they had a glass of vinegar before going to school !

Alison said...

Great feast! Amen to your dessert - God is all there is!! Happy Friday

Anonymous said...

I haven't thought about Marvin the Martian in a while.

Come on by, my feast is sitting on the table waiting for guests to arrive.

Juzahlyn said...

great your dessert

Mine's up too

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Great feast! Great Dessert!

Anonymous said...

Great Feast. Happy Friday. I don't Laugh out Loud very often so I have to think hard to remember the last time. :-) Just the opposite of you. :-)

Alice said...

Eeeeeearp! What's up doc?! LOL. (I love this bunny too)

Thanks for the invitation to feast. It's yummy, yummy. And your Dessert? Fantastic!

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Great answers to the feast this week!! Happy Weekend.

Sandee said...

The funny teacher was hard for me too. Not many had a sense of humor as I recall. Have a great FF. :)

Kim said...

Great feast!

Mine is up...come on over.

Anonymous said...

First, thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today.

Second, wow, what a great feast you created. I especially like your dessert.

Manny said...

Hi Imma (Alice). Great feast! Thanks for stopping by mine.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your feast!

Loved your dessert! Martin the Martian was adorably cute!

Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!

Jodi said...

Great feast!! Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Awesome feast! I enjoyed your dessert best!

Thanks for stopping by my own feast, too.

Have a good weekend,

JHS said...

I really like your dessert: "Each of us is an expression of God Energy in action. We all create our own lives and experiences by what we think about, say and do."

We all need to remember that every day.


Anna said...

Thanks for stopping by! I'd forgotten about Marvin - I loved him too.

And I'm now terribly homesick - I popped over to your blog to feast... and found you are from the Okanagan! I live in England now, but I am originally from Christina Lake, over the mountains from you, and my late grandparents spent years in the area, living in OK Falls, Penticton, Summerland and Peachland! Two of my siblings have spent time in Kelowna.

Marianne Arkins said...

Oh man, I forgot about Marvin the Martian! LOL...

you sound like you get plenty of laughter in your day. That's wonderful!

Thanks for visiting.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Thanks for stopping by 2nd Cup, and I will be back here when I'm back from my blogging break of a few days. About my dessert: we're definitely not devoid of personal responsibility and compassion. It's just hard for most of the world (me!) to gin up and sustain a lifetime of peacemaking for many different reasons. It takes a major transformation of the spiritual kind (and even then, we'll never, ever be perfect in thought and deed) Actually, I don't think there will ever be world peace because man will always naturally prefer himself over others, not a recipe for peace. Thanks for stopping by! No more sermonizing, promise!

Anonymous said...

Marvin Martian was funny -- he was one of my favorites on the Bugs Bunny show.

I laugh out loud a lot, too.

I had a different take on the dessert subject. :-)

Melody said...

Great feast! I like your dessert.

Hope you have a great weekend. :)