Sunday, July 22, 2007

Writing Prompt

Here's another writing prompt: I spent most of my day...

I spent most of my day today with wonderful, positive people. This being Sunday, I went to church this morning. I usually make up the Sunday Programs earlier in the week, though this week I messed up, time got away on me, and I didn't get it done, so I went to church earlier than usual and did it up on the computer there, cut it on the paper cutter and assembled it into its folder covers. A short song rehearsal with our pianist and we were set to go.

A 15 minute guided meditation at 10:30 is a peaceful and enjoyable part of the day. Then the service lasts for about an hour. I often do some speaking during the service, but not today. Today I was just the song leader for the 3 congregational songs. I really enjoy the speaking and the singing.

After the service, there was visiting and refreshments... mmm, cookies. Andree and Bev told me they were going of a drive to a nearby community and would I like to come along. I had planned to go work out at the gym today, but I decided I needed some "girl friend" time, so jumped at the chance to go. I brought my truck and dog home and the gals picked me up here a short while later.

We went in Bev's truck and stopped along the way to drop off a bunch of boxes at a friend of Andree's. She's going to rent out some rooms in her home, so is storing some of her stuff in this friend's shop. It is a beautiful place, so peaceful. After putting all the boxes into the shop and having a walk around the property we headed out. When we got to Enderby, the cafe/art gallery that Bev wanted to go to was closed, so we went to the Riverside Bistro and had drinks and snacks. I had my laptop with me, so I showed the gals some of my photos.

This little city has a wonderful "River Walk", a paved walk way along the river bank for quite some distance. South of the bridge is a short part of the walk which is where we went first. Bev got stung on the arm by a bee. Thank God she's not allergic to bees like her sister is, but it didn't take long at all for her arm to swell up. I read recently that, if stung by a bee, to tape a penny onto the bite and it will neutralize the poison. We walked back to the truck and I got a penny from my purse. While looking around to see if there was any tape in her truck, Bev held the penny on the bite and in minutes the pain and swelling were gone. We found a cloth and wrapped that around Bev's arm to hold the penny in place while we continued our walk.

After the walk we went to the water depot so I could fill up my big jug, then headed back. We stopped in Armstrong on the way for ice cream cones, (as I write this I see how much fattening junk I ate today... hhhmmmm) then back to my place. The gals came in for a bit and Andree had a good look around my home.

It was a wonderful day! I really enjoy spending time with these two women. I spent a bit of time on my desk top computer, then laid down for a rest. I hadn't slept well or much last night, so couldn't continue to function without a nap. I slept for about 2 1/2 hours. It was rather late in the day for a nap, but too early to go to bed for the night, lol. So now it's after 2am and I'm still up and working on my laptop.

YIKES... I just remembered Manic Monday, and that I "should have" written it and gotten it up, but haven't even gone to Mo's blog to see what it's about this week... sigh...


Anonymous said...

What a fabulous day you had!

Hubby's Aunt and Uncle live in Enderby - they really love it!

I'm glad to hear the penny trick works - we were just talking about that the other day. My neighbour said rubbing a raw onion on the bite works for her, but I've always made a baking soda paste - works like a charm!

PS: Manic Monday theme is 'wind' - mine's up! :-)

Anonymous said...

*sigh* No MM! Oh NO!!! :)

Just kiddin'...missed ya this week. But, it sounds like you've been very busy!!!

Travis Cody said...

Sounds like a great day all around!