Saturday, July 21, 2007

PPP Problem

After a "dry spell" on PayPerPost, when it was very slim pickings for available ops, yesterday was actually pretty good for awhile. I managed to get and do 2 ops, then I even was the first to grab a third one... for $18.50 (or was it $18.00?) Anyway, it was a good op, but when I clicked on the Take This Op button I was refused. I was given a message that I'd done my 3 posts for the day already. I didn't think I had, but hey, maybe I did, and nothing I could do about it anyway, but I was disappointed to miss out on such a good post.

Today I checked "My Posts" and sure enough, it shows I only made 2 posts yesterday, so I was unjustly refused that good post. I don't know how their system works, but it did not work right yesterday. I am NOT HAPPY about this.

Today I've joined the PPP Forum and have looked around for any previous posts about this problem and see none, so as soon as I do a bit more surfing around there to make sure I'm putting it into the right spot, I will post a new topic to the Forum to ask about this and if there is anything that can be done about this type of thing. It is hard enough to get ops on PPP right now, so to get one and not be able to do it is really frustrating and I don't want it to happen again.

UPDATE: I posted about this to the Forum and so far have gotten one reply. The gal said that we now only are allowed to take 2 ops per day per blog. Has anyone else heard of this change? This obviously is the first I've heard of it... and obviously it is not making me happy.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I've heard this mentioned elsewhere...only two allowed now.

Anonymous said...

Uh-huh. They changed it yesterday or the day before I think.

You gotta read their blog Alice! :-)

It's the best way to stay updated.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I didn't know they had a blog... geeez. Guess I'll have to find that now. I'm learning, Kai... slowly perhaps, but still learning, lol. I spend a lot of time on this silly machine lately trying to figure it all out. When I get too frustrated I go take a nap, then things make more sense when I get back, lol.

When they recently got the $7million I thought they would make things better... but apparently not. Cutting us down to 2 ops per blog per day is not better. It's scary to think that they could suddenly cut us down to one op per blog per day... or close down completely.

I really like doing this and it's something I can actually manage to do, so I want PPP to get better so we can all have more ops and make more money.

Anonymous said...

I can verify that PPP went to 2 posts a day. Not great for me either. When I joined, I was doing 2 and sometimes 3 a day. The pay was good too because I got $10+ opps. But then that Oppaloosa thing went into effect and everything went downhill from there. I agree that you should check out the PPP blog. It does have a lot of updates.

I am sorry that you are having the problem. Wish we could all get more opps for better pay. I suggested that they use some of the $7 mil. and find a boatload of advertisers. Maybe they will do that. The Oppalossa thing will probably blow it though.

Did you know that PPP recently gave advertisers that signed up but did not post an opp $100 to post opps? That would be when an influx happened a few days ago. Short lived, apparently.

By the way, I like your blog. I hope you can find other things to help.

Also, I visited a blog recently that you might find interesting. Here's the url: