Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt: If you were to define what truly constitutes a lost soul what would you say?

I believe that a "lost soul" is the person that believes neither in God nor in them self. I believe that God is all there is... period. All else, all that we see with our eyes, feel with our hands, hear with our ears, all this is God in expression. To dislike someone, our self or someone else, is to dislike a part of God. To hate anything is to hate God. God. To love anyone, anything, is to love that infinite Mind Power. God is life, light, love, peace, power, beauty & joy.

You will notice that I use several terms interchangeably when referring to "God". Universal Mind, Mind Power, Creator, Spirit, Infinite Creative Energy... all these terms, and others, mean the same thing.

A person with low self esteem is a person who doesn't like him/her self, doesn't feel he/she is worthy or worth while. They know not of the greatness, the loving power and presence of the Infinite Creative Energy that we so often call God, and they know nothing of their power through their oneness with Universal Mind.

I've recently spent time with a man who I felt very "connected to", one who's still on my mind though I haven't seen him for 5 days. Two days in a row we spent a lot of time together, and I never once thought about Bob (who I have such a hard time getting out of my head) . I found I really like him, am very attracted to him, yet I couldn't believe a word he said. I think he is really a very nice person, a good person, he just hasn't got a close relationship with honesty.

I've wondered why anyone would lie like that, what goes on in the mind of the liar? It has occurred to me, thanks to something said in the seminar I was at last night, that it is likely due to low self esteem. It's hard to understand how such a gorgeous creature could have low self esteem, and yet I know it really has nothing to do with looks. I actually understand a lot about low self esteem as I've lived most of my life with it (before I knew of my oneness with Spirit). Because I am a spiritual being having a human experience, I still have some issues around this, and work on it pretty much every day. This is one of the areas in which I work on my spiritual & self growth. I think maybe I was a lost soul, until I found my way to the Okanagan Centre for Positive Living, my Spiritual Centre where I have learned so much about my unity with Universal Mind.

I think that Norm may be a lost soul. I don't know if I'll see him again, but if I do I would like to know how to let him know he doesn't have to pretend to be someone he's not when he's with me. I wish there was some way I could help him to see how worthy he really is. A way I could help him to see that there is a way to change, a way to become found.

In the relationship seminar last night one thing the facilitator said is "You do not have a soul. You ARE soul ." I believe this to be true, and in Truth I know that there is no such thing as a "lost soul" because all there is is God, and God can't be lost... God can't loose Itself.




Travis Cody said...

Very positive and ispiring words today.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Travis. Much appreciate your words.


clairesgarden said...

you are a nice soul!! glad to see you're still enthusiastic about the gym, its hard work!