Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Daily Veggies

This is a sponsored post
Do you eat enough vegetables every day? I sure don't. I know that for good health a person must eat a lot of servings of veggies every day and I do "try" to eat that many. I even do succeed in it once in a blue moon, but not very often. Even of the veggies I do eat, there is a good chance that I don't eat enough varieties of them to get all the nutrition I need from eating vegetables. So, you might be asking, what can a person do about this? How can we be sure to eat enough servings of veggies every day? When people live a busy, hectic life, how can they have the time to shop for, prepare and eat all those vegetables? You can drink them!

My Daily Veggies drink mix is a high-end daily nutritional supplement, that has just been released by Lane Labs, LLC, a specialty company for daily supplements. This alternative vegetable supplement is made of Organically grown veggies, has no salt, sugar or preservatives added, and is a delicious, filling snack with only 35 healthy calories per serving.

If you are interested in healthy living, or green food, or if you are into camping, you can try this 'on the go food' by getting a My Daily Veggies Free Sample. Visit the web site to get information on this product and how to use it.

The link(s) in this ad has been removed - March 7, 2009

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