Monday, July 16, 2007

Manic Monday - Marbles

This week's Manic Monday theme is marble(s), as chosen by Mo at It's A Blog Eat Blog World.

Last night I had planned to do a post on Marble Canyon, near Cache Creek, BC Canada, about a 2 1/2 to 3 hour drive from here. It really is a beautiful canyon, the walls of which are an incredible mixture of colors. This photo doesn't do it justice, but is the best I found when I Googled Marble Canyon.

There's other photos and some info on Marble Canyon on the site where I got this photo from.

See what Wikipedia has to say about Marble Canyon, or better yet, there's interesting info on BC Parks - Marble Canyon Provincial Park, Cariboo.

But that was last night. I was feeling very tired so I decided to just go to bed instead. Today I was going to make the post, then decided not to because I live in the area of the world where, by the time I get up the day is coming to an end in parts of the world. In order to "play along" with "memes" or whatever we each wish to call them, I have to post the evening before. However, I've ended up deciding to post to Manic Monday "marbles" after all. Why? Because today I am feeling ever so much like I've lost my marbles, so I am posting in hopes of finding my marbles and returning them to my head and myself to reality and sanity.

What am I babbling about, you ask? Okay... see if I can tell you without too badly embarrassing myself. Oddly enough, there is only one person in my "real life" that I can talk to about this, that is Dan, and he just advises me to have raunchy sex with Norm, so Dan is really no help. Now you're wondering who Norm is. Sigh. Last week, Friday, I went to the library to return a book and met Norm outside the library. Gorgeous and friendly, talkative and gorgeous... great eye contact with beautiful, very pale blue eyes... and rather quite good looking, too, lol. Largely this could be part of the problem and it's more too. We stood there and talked for a fair while about my dog Reba (she was in my truck) and several other things, then said goodbye and off he walked, I got in my truck and drove away. I had said I was going to Subway for a sandwich which I did do. Then, not feeling like coming home to an empty house I sat in my truck, ate my sandwich and played Mahjong on my laptop. Norm showed up looking for his sister who apparently was supposed to be on her way there. After asking if I'd seen her and chatting a bit he left, shortly to return with a drink in his hand from A&W, saying he'd found his sister over there. So he stood outside my window playing Mahjong with me. It got too hot in the truck so I got out, put the laptop on the hood of my truck and we played until the battery died. Then we sat in my truck talking until after 1am. Much of what he said sounded just a bit too hard to believe, and yet I found myself really liking him, and very attracted to him. It's been years since I was last so attracted to any man. My sex drive has been long since dead and buried, and suddenly it was resurrected. Norm was a total gentleman, mildly flirtatious while not making any moves. Finally we held hands for a short while and when saying goodnight he kissed the back of my hand... that's it. I think this man is appealing both to the teenager that is still within me, and to the mature woman I am now... and all the stages of my life in between. It's really sad that so much of what he says is unbelievable, which makes it so I don't believe anything he says.

On Saturday, as planned, we met at the Monashee Bar & Grill where they have free wireless internet. I kept telling myself I was a fool, chasing after a man I suspect, but can't actually prove, is a liar... a man who, by the way, is 31 years of age. Twenty, yup 20, years younger than me. We each sat at the table and worked on our own laptop while talking a bit here and there, and "stealing glances" now and then, exchanging smiles. Just before we left a table full of drunks came in and were partying it up. They asked why we were sitting there with our computers, so being the smart ass I tend to be, I told them we were computer dating and just getting to know each other, lol. Norm jumped right in and played along. It was a hoot. Oh, and Norm was drinking coffee and water, while I drank pop and water, neither of us drank booze.

After we left the bar I had to go to my church to do up the Sunday Programs. Norm stayed out at the truck with Reba while I was busy, and even gave her water. I like that he cares so much about my dog. Then we went to the dog park and had a really nice walk, through the park, across the creek and out into the forest behind there. Any time we crossed trees that were laying down and I had to step over, he'd take my hand and "help" me over, or with crossing a ditch he'd take my hand to help me, or to pull me up a steep-ish bank. At one point he put his hands on my waist from behind to steady me. All totally gentleman like stuff. It felt really good to be treated like a lady like that. When we got back to the truck we sat on the tailgate for a long time talking, part of which he had has arm around my waste. Then when everyone was gone and it was well after dark, Reba started to growl at something we couldn't see and Norm thought he saw something large and black and thought it was a bear, so we got into the cab of the truck. When whatever it was had moved on and Reba was settled down again we got back out so Norm could have a smoke. We ended up standing with our arms around each other, then kissing, which led to some teasing. When I told him my age he was quiet a short moment, then said it's just a number and kissed me again. (He'd thought I was about 34). Then we decided it was late and time to leave as we both had to be up early in the morning. I drove him back down town and we then sat talking more and kissed a bit more... kissed good night a few times, lol. Mixed in to all this wonderful stuff he talked a lot and I don't believe a word he said.

Honesty is very important to me, and I prefer none smokers, so I of course decided this couldn't go on. I've not given him my phone number or told him where I live, and he didn't ask either, though he has given my his cell number. I know that this is the smart thing to do, to not see him anymore. There are other men I'm dating that I've met recently on Plenty Of Fish, men that are more settled, better jobs, more honest, etc.... and much closer to my age. Sadly, neither of them "turn me on" like Norm does. I know staying away from Norm is the right thing, and yet I'm really missing him today, and I'm trying to figure out why in the world I am going through this "stuff". Why do I feel so connected to this "puppy"? I've been hoping this writing would help me to come to some incredible insight, but all I can see is I must be going senile, must have lost my marbles.

LOST: perfectly good though slightly worn marbles. Anyone having any knowledge in regards to my missing marbles please contact me. REWARD OFFERED.

I wish you all a great day, whatever day it is in your area when you read this. Please feel free to leave me your Fabulous Feedback. If you have a Manic Monday post, please leave a link to it.


Durward Discussion said...

My My ... Just think of Susan Sarandon because this does sound a bit like a K. T. Oslin song even if the ages don't quite match:

"Women peak at fourty, and men at ninteen
I remember laughing my head off when I read that in a magazine
(I was twenty at the time)
Now I'm staring fourty right in the face
And the only trouble with being a woman my age, is the men my age.

That's why younger men are starting to catch my eye
I'm starting to stop what I'm doing
just to turn around and watch them walk by
At the very next opportunity
I'm gonna give a younger man a try
Because younger men are starting to catch my eye

Men my age, poor old darlings, they're worried and their harried
Some of them drink too much, whole lot of them are married
And honey here I'm at on the threshold of all that fun
I'm gonna try my best to cross it with a younger one

Oh, I said that younger men are starting to catch my eye
I'm starting to stop what I'm doing
Just to turn around and watch them walk by
At the very next opportunity
I'm gonna give a younger man a try
Because younger men are starting to catch my eye

Sandee said...

Go for it girlfriend. Younger can be exciting for a bit. Just enjoy. I don't think you've lost your marbles at all. Have a great MM. :)

Travis Cody said...

Well, I suggest you go with your instincts.

Sarge Charlie said...

thanks for stopping by

Anonymous said...

what a great post! Thanks for visiting mine. Have a great week!!

clairesgarden said...

marbles roll around a lot sometimes. I'd say be careful but its ok to have some fun as long as you don't expect it to last.

Lisa Ryan said...

I don't think you've lost your marbles either but I agree with Trav, trust those instincts!

Mo and The Purries said...

I don't think you've lost your marbles, either. I also agree with Trav - trust your instincts.
And sorry about not visiting yesterday - I posted my "wrap-up" post at 2pm my time, and looks like you posted this at 5pm my time.
Thanks for participating in Manic Monday!