Sunday, July 15, 2007

Memes or ????

Thank you to all who came to view my memes (or whatever they would be called) this week. I've been calling Manic Monday, Wordless Wednesday, Thursday 13, Fridays Feast & Photo Hunters all memes, but I recently came across a definition of the word meme. After reading that I realize the error of my ways... so now, what are these things called then? At the bottom of the page I noticed "Note that a meme and a carnival are not the same thing." So then I read to find out what a carnival is and it sounded to me that Manic Monday, Wordless Wednesday, Thursday 13, Fridays Feast & Photo Hunters must be carnivals. Then I followed a link I found there to a list of several carnivals in the blogosphere, and they don't look at all like what we do in the above list. So now I don't know what's what, or what to call these things we do.

Do you know the answer to this? What are these things called? Won't someone please tell me? Oh ya... just remembered, I have to go see what this week's Manic Monday topic is . See you later.


Durward Discussion said...

This week's meme or carnival or some designation still unknown will be perfect for those of us who have lost our marbles.

Auntie [a.k.a. Net Neutral] said...

Yep, bit of a mystery. I like the Wikipedia explanation.... What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...very good question. Maybe we can just call them themed bloghoppings? Heh heh

Travis Cody said...

When I first started to participate, I thought they were called memes. But now I just call them by their titles.

I guess they would be weekly memes eh?