Saturday, July 21, 2007

Blogging Chicks and Blogger Chicks

On July 10 I told you I'd joined Blogging Chicks and was just waiting for the code so I could ad the blog roll to my blog. I also at that time posted a Blogging Chicks widget into my sidebar. Well, it's now 11 days later and I still haven't received the code or heard a single word back about it. I emailed to ask about this and have not gotten a reply yet. Unfortunately, it appears that Blogging Chicks is no longer a live and functioning website. There is a message there saying she will be away for a bit, but will be back May 27th... well this is July 21st and it appears she is not back yet. I have as of today, taken down the widget from my sidebar. If I ever hear back and get the code from the gal that runs things over there, I will joyfully add the blog roll and widget to my site. If anyone out there knows anything about this, please let me know.

Now I've put the Blogger Chicks blog roll into my sidebar and emailed to let Izzy know it's there so she can add me to this blog roll. So now, again, I'm waiting....


Travis Cody said...

I guess they come and they go eh?

michele said...

No, we're still here. If you had gone to our main webpage, you would have seen that I'm still posting to the blog.

In fact I was just getting ready to email you the code. I'm a little behind in the email but did warn people that it would take me a couple weeks to reply.