Saturday, May 26
I got up early so I could get an early start, but by the time I got everything done here at home, went to get groceries to take with me (so I could cook rather than eat in restaurants - traveling on a tight budget), ran a few other errands I had to do, it was 12:10pm when we (Reba & I) left town. I wasted no time driving through the Monashee Mountains and everywhere either side of them, haha. When I got to the Needles Ferry I saw that I arrived at just the perfect time... cars were being loaded onto the ferry for the trip across Lower Arrow Lake, so I just slowed down and drove right on too. Couldn't have worked out better if I'd planned it.
On the other side I drove off the ferry, then found a safe place to let Reba out for a "break". I also tied a tarp over the rack as we'd hit spots of heavy rain and I felt sorry for Reba back there getting so wet. I don't like driving with a tarp on and Reba didn't exactly like it either, but it kept her dry except when she stuck her head into the cab through the back window, as that was not covered by the tarp. It also kept the bag of dog food dry as it was in the back too.

I'm not sure where I took this photo, but think it was south of Nakusp, a town I had to travel through on the way to where I was going. If you'd like more info on the history of this part of our province, follow this link. I won't name the town I went to, out of respect for my long time friend Cam, and for my new friend Kai.

I stopped for a few more photo ops along the way, but not many as I didn't want to get in too late. When I arrived at Cam's house I found a note that he could be found at his favorite restaurant or at the legion. On my way to find him I took this photo:

I checked the restaurant and no Cam, so asked where the legion was. I drove over there and found Cam just getting off his scooter to go inside. We went in, found a table, and he had a few beers while I had a few 7 UP (pop, soda whatever you like to call it) as I rarely ever drink booze. Just don't care for it. Then Cam asked if he could buy me dinner, so off we went back to the restaurant for a nice meal, then to his place. I unloaded all my stuff from the truck and got "moved in". I had planned that Reba would stay in the truck and out in the yard while we were there, but no way. Cam wouldn't have that, he said to bring her on in the house, so I did and she was so happy. I was proud of her. She usually gets extremely excited about being around other people and often jumps on them and such. I usually put her outside in her run when I get company at home because she won't settle down and be good. However, at Cam's she really behaved well. She did get a little pushy at times, as is her tendency, but over all was very calm and well behaved. This was especially important to me considering Cam is very crippled up with Cerebral Palsy. I've always admired him for the way he handles it. Cam "never quits", he lives his life to the fullest, regardless of his physical challenges. I'm not sure if Reba understood that Cam is special, or if it is that she was the only critter there so didn't feel she had to compete for attention, but she was very well behaved the entire time we visited Cam.
"Stay tuned" for Days 2 through 6
"Stay tuned" for Days 2 through 6
An invitation from Mimi…….To: Saturday Photo Hunters
Many bloggers will be flying Peace Globes in the blogosphere on Wednesday, June 6, 2007. It is BlogBlast for Peace day - the second annual event. Please consider using your blog voice and creative influence on this day to participate. The theme for June 2 is ART - perfect for creativity with a peace globe perhaps? You can find more information about the movement at Mimi Writes or BlogBlast for Peace. I wanted to make you aware of the event. I really enjoy looking at your photographs on Saturdays. or
Thanks and peace!
wow, you realy drove up the miles!! you could almost catch up with me. . . .
Reba is a lovely dog, you can add Deb and me to her fan club!
Mimi - thanks for the info. As you can see, I jumped right in with both feet. It's a cause that's close to my heart.
Claire - if you think, after reading day 1, that I drove up the miles, just wait 'til you read the rest! I made a second trip in to Nelson too, haha.
I sure am happy that you and Deb both liked Reba so much. You definitely are welcome in here ever growing fan club :o)
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