Thursday, June 28, 2007

Exercise Update

Well, I guess today is a good day to tell you what I've done in the gym over the last week. Thanks to my back and my holidays, as well as being ill for about a week, I've missed a fair bit of time in the gym lately, I figure if you add it all up it's about a month. Not good. I am now working at making up for that and getting back in the flow.

Friday June 22 -
~ Treadmill: 3 minute warm up. Incline: 4.0, Speed: 3.0
~ The machines:
Abs: 85# x 8 reps
Tricep: 60# x12 reps
Bicep: 60# x 12 reps
Shoulder Lateral Raise: this machine has been causing me pain, so I talked to a trainer who gave me some free weight exercises to do instead. Even with light weights this also caused pain, and I was not able to lift my elbows in the way she wanted me to. So I now am doing these without weights, until my arms can do what they must. (Keeping shoulders down, lift elbows up near ears) I didn't keep track of how many I did that day as I was talking/listening with the trainer, Nadine.
Chest Press: 65# x 10 reps
Seated Row: 75# x 12 reps
Hip Abduction: 160# x 8 reps
Hip Adduction: 160# x 8 reps
Seated Leg Press: 135 x 8 reps
Leg Curl: 95# x 12 reps
Leg Extension: 65# x 10
Low Back: 140# x 8 reps
~ Stretches (a bunch of them)
~ Elliptical: (great cardio workout) *5 minutes at level 4 + 5 minutes at level 7* repeat * to * 3 times. 3 minutes cool down. Total of 33 minutes.

Saturday June 23 -
~ Elliptical: *5 min. @ 4 + 5 min. @ 8* repeat * to * 3 times + 5 min. cool down + 35 minutes.

Sunday June 24 -
~ Same as Saturday above.

Monday June 25 -
Treadmill: 3 minute warm up. Incline: 4.0, Speed: 3.0
~ The machines:
Abs: 85# x 10 reps
Tricep: 65# x 8 reps
Bicep: 60# x 12 rep
Chest Press: 65# x 12 reps
Seated Row: 80# x 8 reps
Hip Abduction: 160# x 10 reps
Hip Adduction: 160# x 10 reps
Seated Leg Press: 135 x 10 reps
Leg Curl: 100# x 8 reps
Leg Extension: 65# x 10
Low Back: 140# x 10 reps
~ Stretches (a bunch of them)

I prefer to do the "full meal deal" of machines and cardio all in the same day, but some days I don't have time to fit them all in, so do what I can as some is better than none. Some days I have time only for none. I had intended to go yesterday (Wednesday) but was unable to fit it into my busy day. I Am making sure I get there tomorrow (Friday). The gym will be closed Sunday and Monday this week due to the July 1st Canada Day long weekend.

Oh, also many of the days I go to the gym I also then go to the dog park and walk Reba. Some days I go and walk her when I don't make it to the gym. This weekend, while the gym is closed, I will walk Reba so we'll get our exercise together.

1 comment:

Crazy Working Mom said...

Whew! That made me tired...