Todays theme is Hobby. I have several hobbies and have chosen to use one to show you two more. The "one" is photography and the "two more" are spinning and weaving.
This is me spinning on my Uncle Johnny's lawn in Smithers, August 2003. We were there for Mom's 80th Birthday party and a family reunion. (UJ passed away January 2004)
This was April 27, 2006. As I sit here in the cold we are experiencing this year, I can't imagine sitting outside spinning on a warm day. I doubt the fruit trees will be in blossom like this as early as they were last year, but we'll see.
A bit more work done here.
The finished runner on my table.
A closer shot of the finished table runner. It looks really nice on the wood table Mom has it on, and the colors fit in very well with her decor.
For more on my Fiber Arts (spinning & weaving, etc.) visit my "old" blog Born2Cree8.
Also, there is more info and more photos of the making of Mom's table runner, etc. etc. on this blog, so if interested in seeing them, go to the sidebar and click on the Label "Fibre Arts".
Heeerrreeees Mr. Lindy!!!
Leave a link to your Photo Hunters post so we all can come have a look. Then leave a comment and I'll come do the same at your blog.
The finished runner on my table.
A closer shot of the finished table runner. It looks really nice on the wood table Mom has it on, and the colors fit in very well with her decor.
For more on my Fiber Arts (spinning & weaving, etc.) visit my "old" blog Born2Cree8.
Also, there is more info and more photos of the making of Mom's table runner, etc. etc. on this blog, so if interested in seeing them, go to the sidebar and click on the Label "Fibre Arts".
Heeerrreeees Mr. Lindy!!!
Leave a link to your Photo Hunters post so we all can come have a look. Then leave a comment and I'll come do the same at your blog.
What great hobbies and that is some beautiful yarn for your efforts!
wow that is are very talented....oh i have never even attempted to do something like that....don't think that i could...but it looks like it would be fun.....great photos...
Happy hunting
Great hobby! It looks so time-consuming though. I don't know that I would have the patience to ever finish!
Your hobby is related to mine I displayed, in that my daughter is using yarn in her picture. One day maybe she and I will have the opportunity to take the craft backwards into it's roots and make our own yarn. Very interesting! I was wishing I could see your spinning wheel even closer!
Cool hobbies!
Great pics! Spinning is so much fun to watch. They had a demonstration at the arts center last year. I could've sat there all day and watched the women do it. :)
Hi Imma,Thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the nice words. Weaving seems interesting... You do an excellent job too. Your site is interesting. I subscribed through RSS feed.
Wow! What a very cool hobby you have there. That is so interesting. Thank you for sharing so many great pics of it.
Very nice work! An excellent hobby :)
Happy Weekend!
Very interesting hobby. It also looks very time consuming. The finished product is so pretty.
Wow! I am not sure I would have the patience for this hobby.
That is a fascinating and beautiful hobby. You create objects that will last a lifetime and they are art. Where do you get your wool?
I imagine it takes patience and skill to make it come out nicely -- great job!
I am impressed with how neat and uniform your runner seems. It looks like very fine thread / yarn. Do you weave regularly?
Now this really takes patience and talent! To start with the raw wool or cotton and spin and dye and then weave... amazing!
That's amazing! :) Those are very cool hobbies. :) I'm very impressed that you spin and weave. :)
Thanks for visiting. :)
Hi Alice,....What a wonderful hobby you have ... this is truly a art!!
Your table runner that you made for your Mom is beautiful..Thanks for visiting my blog. Baba
You have talent. I could never spin or weave. Very nice!
We just came back from Georgia, where we watched a craftswoman use her loom to make yarn from cotton. It was amazing and the kids were fascinated. My youngest had lots of questions for her.
I don't have the patience myself, so kudos to you!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Very cool hobbies! I wish I was more crafty and talented. Cheers ... :)
That is really, really neat! What a great way to really appreciate how things are made, and it must be very relaxing! I loved the runner, I would cuddle up on it!
Thanks for visiting.
What great pictures. Neat hobby to have. Not too many people are so talented! Thanks for visiting my blog!
That's really fascinating.
wow, that wool looks fabulous, and what a great view to have while you spin.
That's a beautiful table runner... I've never seen a spinning wheel before. Thanks for sharing and the visit last week. I just got back from our vacation :)
I've always wanted to learn to weave, it seems so relaxing. Photography is one thing I do now, never learned it, though, just do it. Beautiful table runner. Thank you for visiting my hobby photo.
Man that's alot or work! I always thought maybe I could take my dogs and cats and use their fur for something like that they have so much. Visit my blog at High Strangeness Altoona or go directly to my Photo Hunt Post.
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