Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Critter Corner

The two pictures above aren't great, but I wanted to show you where Bismallah likes to spend a lot of time. Taking pictures in the mirror is not as easy as one might think.

For any of you that "came in late" and are wondering what this chick is all about, click here for the beginning of the story, or go to the label "My Critters".

Bismallah: "I like playing on Mama's keyboard"

Shadow: "How many words per minute can you type?"
Bismallah: "Oh, not many. I kinda just peck at the keys."

Shadow: "Okay, take a letter!"

In "real life" Bismallah is pure black except for a small area underneath that is lighter, but in these pictures looks part gray. I am starting to think this might be a boy, based totally on attitude, lol. S/he bites my lips sometimes and likes to bite at my earrings, trying to pull them out... likely trying to eat them. (I have 5 in each ear, so there's lots there to attract his/her attention). I had to clean my keyboard twice while Bismallah was playing on it :o) .

It can be a challenge to type with a chick on your shoulder, a cat on your lap and a jealous Rottweiler by your side, so I do far more reading than typing these days.

Today I weighed Bismallah on my little kitchen food scale. S/he weighs 1.5 ounces.


..................... said...

now, if that's not just cutest thing i've seen lately..
i also type with cat on lap, dog by my side. however, i have yet to have a chick on my

clairesgarden said...

love the photographs of the chick, I can just imaging the jealous older ones wondering what on earth is going on.

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Oh, Bismallah is so cute - isn't your cat after him all the time?

Thanks for commenting on my Flower Power story - sometimes it takes drastic action to get a comment!!! I could have been making it up you know :) just to shock the girls...

I'd like to link to you - perhaps you'd do the same? Are you a member of Wet Coast Women?

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Oh Schaumi, you just HAVE to get a chick for your keyboard. It is so exciting having it pooping on the keys and getting under finger as you type, or sitting on your shoulder biting at your ears. Such fun!

And the cat is not always content to sit on my lap as I type, but often wants to be held in my arms up about chest level. He is sooo needy, lol. He will be 17 years old the end of April and I am aware he may not be with me much longer, so I tend to "accommodate" his wishes.

Claire... yes, the older ones are a bit worried, especially the dog. She tends to get very pushy when she wants attention. Actually though, they are taking it all pretty good for the most part.

Heather... welcome. No, Shadow doesn't go after Bismallah at all. He's always been a bit of a fraidy cat, so may be a bit uncomfortable with the idea of going after a chick. He does hunt mice but I'm not sure if he has ever hunted birds, though his mother hunted pretty much everything. She was quite the cat.

LOL... yes, some people will do almost anything to get a reaction out of others. Come to think of it, I would fit into that category most times too, lol. And yes, you could have just been making it up... but I have the feeling you weren't. Haha. Either way, it's all good.

I already did the link from this end, so go right ahead and do it from yours. I've never heard of West Coast Women, so guess I'm not a member, haha.