Saturday, January 20, 2007

Snow Pics

While I was in town Friday for a dentist appointment, I took some pictures of the snow. We've been having a lot of it this year and thought I'd show you some of it.

The first two pics are taken right on the "main drag" that runs East to West.

These next two are taken one block over from the main street. I was surprised that the streets hadn't been plowed by this time, but I'm sure they've caught up with it by now.

Today I took some more pics out in my yard...

My driveway... fun to get up and down. Thank God I have a 4 wheel drive truck.

In the background, mountain and lake... in the foreground, my herb garden.

A closer shot of my herb garden, lol. I can't walk out to it even in my high top boots as the snow is deeper than my boots are high.

Now you can see part of the reason I put plastic around my carport. When they built it they didn't leave enough overhanging roof, so when the snow comes down off the roof it really builds up and without the plastic it goes right into the carport. I keep the pellets for my stove in there as well as some other "storage" items, so need to keep out this snow and what would blow through from both ends. As you can see, the snow bank that's building up is getting close to the roof.


clairesgarden said...

thanks fr posting these Alice! you have heaps of snow!! it ooks nice and white though, not the mushy grey stuff we suffer from here, there is still none but its a lot colder. I hope your wee chick does well, what a time of year to be born, you did well keeping it warm, chick mama!!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

you are very welcome, Claire. It's been so dry here the last few years that it was getting to be a problem, so I know we need this much snow, but I could use with it staying off my driveway, haha. When it finally melts things could get nasty for awhile on this hill of mine. The driveway and chicken run tend to get very muddy very easily, so even when the snow goes I have to use 4 wheel drive to get up the hill until the mud dries up.

Bismallah is doing very well, thanks. It had a "bad left leg" but that seems to be healed up now. A healthy and happy little life force this one... and oh so cute.

Gee, maybe I should change my blog name, or my I.D. here... to Chick Mama... LOL.