Friday, April 20, 2012

Really Exciting!!

 It was a beautiful, sunshiny day that was comfortably warm without being too hot. It was the perfect day for a drive to Kelowna to buy the Polished Aluminum Checker Plate for the box being built for my trike. My friend Frank had made arrangements for the purchase of this metal and had even gotten it cut to approximately what we need it to be, into handle-able pieces to be worked with. The company he got the material from is right across the street from a friend of his that has a huge saw that worked fairly well for making the cuts, so Frank had the metal taken across the street and cut, he even had bought beer for the guys for doing the cutting. I had to go pick up the sheets, go across and pay for it, then take it and Frank over to his shop where we unloaded the checker plate. I got to see the big machine he will be using to bend the material, thereby making rounded corners for the box.  When out in the sunshine this stuff is so shiny and bright that it hurts the eyes to look at it.  This trike is really going to be awesome!!

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